
retry vt.1.(重新)再試。2.【法律】再審,重審。


The dying and retrying helped me master the stages after every attempt 其實每一次失敗的嘗試都幫助了我更好的掌握那些關卡。

In this case , you can retry the authentication with a different credential 在本例中,可以使用不同的憑據再次進行身份驗證。

If the first nfs mount attempt times out , retry the mount in the background 如果第一次nfs掛載嘗試超時,則在后臺重試掛載。

If the retry attempts fail , the command will fail with error message 824 如果重試失敗,則該命令失敗,且顯示錯誤消息824 。

Activity force retried 活動強制已重試

Replication : agent retry 復制:代理重試

A gateway timeout occurred . the server is unreachable . retry the request 發生了網關超時.服務器不能達到(連通) .再次嘗試

For each type of notification you send , you can configure a retry schedule 可以為發送的每個通知類型配置重試計劃。

When this error occurs , the application can retry the marked transaction 出現此錯誤時,應用程序會重試標記事務。

You cannot use the stream to retry authentication as the client 您不能將該流作為客戶端嘗試重新進行身份驗證。

Number of retries of site explorer 一些細小的調整

Retrying the installation as a second attempt usually solves the problem 重新再安裝一次通常會解決這個問題。

If you cannot retry the authentication , a 如果不能重試身份驗證,則會引發fatalauthenticationexception ,而不是

A count of the number of times this step has executed excluding retries 此步驟已執行的次數(不包括重試) 。

Write protect error writing drive a abort , retry , fail 驅動器寫保護,異常結束、重試還是系統調用失敗繼續執行

Annotation so that an aspect can retry a failed service 注釋標記的,這樣一個方面就可以再次嘗試失敗的服務。

System security - ibm security password retry count exceeded 系統安全性-超出ibm安全性密碼重試次數。

Number of times the command was retried the last time the step ran 步驟上一次運行時,重試命令的次數。

When the case was retried the jury found for the defendant 案子復審時,陪審團做出了有利于被告的判決。