
retroversion n.1.回顧;向后轉,倒退。2.(器官的)翻轉,后傾〔特...


Methods : fifty paired embalmed cadaveric humeri ( twenty - five pairs : fourteen from male donors and eleven from female donors ) were scanned in medial - lateral ( ml ) and anterior - posterior ( ap ) position according to the humeral retroversion by ct . images of the humeri in the transverse planes at the lowest border of neck ( lbn ) , 20mm and 40mm distal of lbn ( lbn - 20 、 lbn - 40 ) , isthmus , head - neck anterior - posterior ( hn - ap ) were obtained . sixty - one extracortical and intracortical parameters were measured exactly by image analytic computer software that included offset , head position , head - shaft angle , head to tuberosity height ( ht ) , head thickness , curvature radius , articular surface arc ( sa ) , neck diameter , isthmus position , proximal and distal border of isthmus , maximum coronal and sagittal diameter of medullary canal and thickness of cortical bone in four planes , including lbn , lbn - 20 , lbn - 40 and isthmus 方法: 50根成對防腐肱骨(男14對,女11對)按肱骨頭扭轉角置于冠狀位和矢狀位,行肱骨全長,頭頸矢狀面,解剖頸下緣及其下20mm 、 40mm ,髓腔狹窄部四平面ct掃描,由ct軟件測量冠、矢狀位髓腔內外參數共61項,包括頭心?干軸距,頭位置,頭干角,頭?結節高度差,頭厚度,頭半徑,關節面張角,解剖頸直徑,髓腔狹窄部位置,解剖頸下緣及其下20mm 、 40mm和狹窄部四個平面髓腔的最大冠、矢狀徑,皮質骨厚度等。