
retrospective adj.1.回顧的,懷舊的;愛追溯既往的。2.【法律】有...


A retrospective analysis of local tax revenue of shenzhen in the past decade 深圳地稅稅收收入十年回顧與剖析

A retrospective and prospect of tourism of shaanxi province in the new century 新千年陜西旅游業的回顧與展望

On quality control of subject indexing in retrospective database construction 回溯建庫中主題標引的質量控制

Wu guanzhong : a retrospective 無涯惟智吳冠中藝術里程

This document describes a procedure for conducting a project retrospective 本文將闡述執行項目回顧的過程。

Programme retrospective highlights 節目詳情>回顧專題

Cantonese cinema retrospective 1960 - 1969 revised edition , 1996 六十年代粵語電影回顧1960 - 69 1996年修訂本

Actually , i wanted to see his retrospective . i ' m at the cinema 實際上我要去看他的回顧影展,我正在電影院

Retrospective and perspective of regional economic cooperation in east asia 東亞區域經濟合作的回顧與展望

A retrospective study on the forensic psychiatric expertise 司法精神醫學鑒定無精神病74例案例分析及隨訪

Study on stability of the self - memory model with retrospective time one - order 1階自憶模式的穩定性研究

A research on the literary linguistics : a retrospective and meditation 關于文學語言學研究的回顧與思考

Hong kong cinema retrospective catalogue 香港電影回顧特刊

The age - related difference of time estimation in the retrospective paradigm 回溯式時距估計的年齡差異

Retrospective and perspectives in hbv drug - resistant variations 乙型肝炎病毒耐藥變異研究的回顧與展望

Each project should hold a retrospective at the end of its lifecycle 每個項目都應在結束時進行回顧。

For hk retrospective catalogues only 只限于香港電影回顧特刊

Retrospective analysis of 30 pregnant womem complicated heart failure 疤痕子宮再次妊娠136例臨床分析

Solving timetabling problem using improved retrospective algorithm 基于改進回溯算法的計算機排課系統