
retrospection n.回顧,回想;(過去事實等的)對證。


Finally the retrospection of the past practices raised the speculation beyond the architectural design 最后通過第五章對過去的創作實踐的回顧引發了設計層面之外的一些思考。

With a retrospection to the development of binying , a sense of pride will definitely come out in all bingying members heart 關于濱鷹董事長致辭撫今追昔,濱鷹人是自豪的!

To deepen the understanding towards the law of human society development through historical research and retrospection 在歷史的研究與反思中深化對人類社會發展規律的認識

Who cooperative center ' s retrospection and expectation about development of parasite prevention in shandong province 世界衛生組織淋巴絲蟲病合作中心的發展回顧與展望

Retrospection and analysis of cooperation among libraries of six universities in the shipai district of guangzhou 廣州市石牌地區六校圖書館館際協作回顧與分析

Retrospection of present status and study on hydrogeologic investigation in henan section on the lower yellow river 黃河下游河南段水文地質勘察現狀與研究回顧

The retrospection and consideration of the excavation of the no . 1 spot , xinglonggou site , aohan banner , inner mongolia 興隆溝遺址第一地點發掘回顧與思考

A retrospection and reconsideration of several problems concerning chinese contemporary history in the year 2002年中國現代史若干問題研究的回顧與思考

Retrospection and ponderance of reforms of china ' s township administrative systems in the 20th century 20世紀中國鄉鎮行政管理體制改革的回顧與思考

Affectionate retrospection on spiritual homeland - on the creation of short stories by wang anyi in the late 1990s 評王安憶90年代末的短篇小說創作

Labor - capital relationship in western market - oriented countries : retrospection and fore casting 西方市場經濟國家勞資關系的歷史發展及其趨勢

Retrospection to the research into women ' s political activities in the recent 20 years and its prospects 近20年中國婦女參政研究的回顧與展望

Retrospection and review of the developmental process of neo - textual researchers on a dream of red mansions 考證派新紅學發展歷程回顧與評述

Retrospection and expectation of scientific work of soil and water conservation of fuijian province 福建省水土保持科技工作回顧與展望

Retrospection and prediction : the logic starting point for the theoretical system of higher education 高等教育學理論體系的邏輯起點

Retrospection and expectation on the management of occupational diseases in yunnan province 云南省職業病診斷管理工作的回顧與展望

Retrospection and considerations on china ' s basic research in chemistry amp; chemical engineering 中國化學基礎研究的回顧與思考

Retrospection and introspection in china ' s sociological development since the new period 新時期以來中國社會學發展的回顧與反思

Returning to karl marx : retrospections on the studies of the stratification of chinese society 兼議馬戎的民族社會學研究