
retrospect n.1.回顧 (opp. prospect)。2.懷舊,...


A study of history of yi ethnic group : retrospect and prospects 彝族歷史研究的回顧與前瞻

Retrospect and prospect of sino - saudi relations 當代中沙關系回顧與展望

South korea - china relations : retrospect and prospect 韓中關系十年及展望

Retrospect and prospect of the study of chinese abbreviations 漢語縮略語研究的回顧與展望

The retrospects and prospects of the stratum dividing research 社會分層研究的回顧與展望

Chinese social security system in retrospect and reference 中國社會保障制度的回顧與展望

A historical retrospect on chaling poetic school in the 20 century 20世紀茶陵派研究回顧

The retrospect and prospects of sino - saudi relations 中沙關系回顧與展望

China ' s civil law studies of the past 25 years in retrospect 高等教育國際化研究十年回眸

It was , in retrospect , the happiest day of her life 回想起來,那是她一生最幸福的日子。

Retrospect on literal image of citizen in the transitory period 轉型期市民文學形象反思

Retrospect and prospect of studies in world ancient history 世界上古史研究的回顧和展望

Philippines : retrospect of 2002 amp; amp; prospect of 菲律賓經濟2002年回顧與2003年前瞻

Retrospect : anniversary of three gorges power generation 三峽發電周年回眸

The retrospect and evaluation of taiwan economy in 印尼政治經濟2002年回顧與2003年展望

Retrospect and prospect of middle east situation 關于中東局勢的回顧與展望

Retrospect of economic globalization from a cultural point of view 馮友蘭文化觀的意義

In retrospect , master liu was the originator of the arts 溯其源始,劉氏實肇其緒端。

In retrospect , it ' s easy to see why we were wrong 回顧過去就很容易明白我們的錯處了