
retrogression n.后退,倒退,退步,消退,墮落,衰微;【生物學】退化;...


Chapter 4 discussed barnett ' s realistic evaluations of the development of china and his criticism of the arguments mentioned above such as chinese westernization , china collapse and china retrogression . this chapter also covered barnett ' s efforts to maintain the sino - us relations stable whenever crises occurred . as a conclusion , the last chapter summarized barnett ' s views of china and research models , and his academic thoughts and their enlightenment as well 本文第四章論述了鮑大可在80和90年代對中國發展進程的現實評估和他對上述“中國西化論” 、 “中國崩潰論” 、 “中國倒退論”等種種論調的批評,另外也論述了他在中美關系出現危機的每一關鍵時刻,為維持中美關系的穩定和健康發展而進行的種種努力。

It is unreasonable land - use structure , extensive land management and urban sprawl ' s encroaching and so on over a long period of time that cause decrease of cultivated land , retrogression of land ' s quality and reduction of the creatures “ productive potentiality . worst of all is that all of these have formed a vicious circle of land development - destruction - redevelopment 長期以來,土地利用結構不合理、土地經營方式的粗放、城鎮建設用地的肆意擴張、國土觀念的薄弱等等,造成耕地面積減少、土地質量退化、生物生產潛力降低,而且還形成土地開發?破壞?再開發的惡性循環。

Today serious ecosystem retrogression , environmental pollution and resource absence make natural ecosystem overburden . china has to faces hard and urgent problems on population and resources in economic development 今天,嚴重的生態退化、環境污染、資源短缺局面已經開始影響到人類的福利甚至威脅到人類的生存。

To this end , we must strengthen the party ' s organization and its armed forces , and mobilize the whole people for resolute struggle against capitulation , a split and retrogression 為達此目的,就要鞏固黨的組織,鞏固黨的武裝力量,并動員全國人民,進行反投降、反分裂、反倒退的堅決的斗爭。

The reason is that the forces supporting resistance and progress cannot build up enough strength in the immediate future to overwhelm the forces supporting capitulation and retrogression 這是因為在最近時期內,抗戰和進步勢力還不可能發展到足以全部壓服投降和倒退勢力的緣故。

Whether there is progress or retrogression in the peace process is determined by its national interests in the middle east 無論是巴以和平進程取得進展,還是出現倒退與反復,我們都會發現這一切都是由美國在中東的利益所決定的,都是其國家利益的彰顯。

The most enterprises , however , will fall into stop or even into retrogression , which is regarded a strange cycle , when they achieve a certain scale 但是,多數企業在發展到一定規模時就陷于停頓甚至倒退,陷入一種怪圈。

These characteristics are concretely reflected in japan ' s retrogression and paucity of support and in china ' s progress and abundance of support 這個特點的具體反映是日本的退步和寡助,中國的進步和多助。

Job of our country labor protection was experienced build and development , halt and retrogression , restore and raise 3 level 我國勞動保護工作經歷了建立和發展、停頓和倒退、恢復和提高三個階段。

Effect of retrogression and reaging treatment on stress corrosion c racking resistance of super - high strength aluminum alloy 雙級時效對1420合金模鍛材料組織和性能的影響

Effect of ageing and retrogression treatments on mechanical and corrosion properties of 7075 aluminum alloy 時效和回歸處理對7075鋁合金力學及腐蝕性能的影響

Cases of retrogression gonarthritis treated by manipulation maneuver and pasting with gubi xiaotong powder 骨痹消痛散加推拿手法治療退行性膝關節炎41例41

Retrogression of democracy ? - putin and new round of russia ' s state structural reform 普京與新一輪俄羅斯國家體制改革

A grim retrogression : the phantom of chance 殘酷的衰落:虛幻的機會

A cusp is also called a stationary point or point of retrogression gression . 尖點也叫做平穩點或逆行點。

Persist in progress and oppose retrogression ! 堅持進步,反對倒退!