
retrogress vi.(opp. progress)1.倒退,退步,衰退...


The percentage of density of s . costatum in phytoplankton rised from 58 . 7 % in last year to 60 . 0 % in this year , which resulted a decline of the diversity index from 1 . 91 to 1 . 75 , and evenness from 0 . 47 to 0 . 42 , indicating that the biodiversity and evenness of phytoplankton community in zhelin bay became worse and worse , and the structure of community retrogressed 中肋骨條藻在浮游植物總數量的百分比由第一年度的58 . 7上升到本年度的60 . 0 ,導致多樣性指數由1 . 91減小到1 . 75 ,均勻度由0 . 47減小到0 . 42 。這表明,與上一年度相比,柘林灣浮游植物群落的生物多樣性和穩定性進一步降低,群落結構退化。

The classified result show that the grass land of this region retrogressed badly in 2000 : the appreciable retrogression proportion of the grass land is 15 % , the moderate retrogression proportion is 15 % ; the serious retrogression proportion is 8 % ; the area of desert is 2755 . 27km2 and the proportion is 19 % , which had increased about 88 . 9 % in eight years 植被覆蓋度分類結果顯示, 2000年該地區草地退化比較嚴重: 21草地輕度退化, 15的草地中度退化, 8的草地重度退化,土地沙化面積為2755 . 27km ~ 2 ,比1992年增加了88 . 9 。

In this model , based on the business nature of guarantee institutions that mainly handle with contingent liabilities , the author adopted uncertainty analisis to best describe the behaviors of guarantee institutions and unveil the mechanism as well as the root of the looting behavior and how guarantee institutions retrogressed to loot 在此,筆者重點針對擔保機構主要經營或有負債的特點引入了不確定分析,使新的模型能夠應用于擔保機構。筆者通過對擔保機構行為做出數理描述和分析,來揭示擔保機構掠奪風險產生的主要根源和理論機理,以及由此產生的擔保機構蛻變路徑。

But their attitude went to another extremity when the bilateral relations suddenly deteriorated in 1989 . some thought that china would soon collapse following the ussr and eastern european countries or retrogress from the policy of reform and opening - up 1989年中美關系惡化后,美國公眾的對華態度又走向另一個極端,一些人認為中國不久將會步蘇聯和東歐國家的后塵走向崩潰或者在改革的道路上發生倒退。

Practice has shown that china - japan relations will go ahead steadily once this political foundation is maintained ; otherwise the relations will be undermined , become stagnant or even retrogress 實踐已經證明,嚴守和維護這個政治基礎,中日關系就能前進,就能持續穩定發展;背離和違反這個政治基礎,中日關系就會受損,就會停滯甚至倒退。

In its absence china would retrogress into division and chaos , and modernization would become impossible 動搖了中國就要倒退到分裂和混亂,就不可能實現現代化。

On progress and retrogress in the strategic adjustment of state - owned economy distribution 論國有經濟布局戰略調整中的進與退

Pride makes one retrogress 驕傲使人退步

Man is progressing , not retrogressing 人類在進步,不是在倒退。