
retrograde adj.后退的,倒退的;反的,倒轉的;逆行的;退步的,退...


However , with mercury about to turn retrograde , you must buy your items or sign your deal between january 8 and 20 但是,隨著水星即將逆行,你必須在1月8日到20日之間購買你要的東西或者簽署你的合約。

Will turn into direct movement or retrograde movement soon , stationary horoscope brings high forus and significant energy 將會變成順行或逆行,靜止的星座會帶來強力集中與敏顯得影響。

There were no further seizure attacks and the retrograde amnesia improved gradual1yduring two months of follow - up 在往后追蹤兩個月的期間并未再有癲癇發作且回溯性失憶正在逐漸恢復中。

Utility and rehabilitation of three kinds of neurocutaneous nutrient vessel and fascia pedicel retrograde island - shape skin slap 三種皮神經營養血管及筋膜蒂逆行島狀瓣的應用及康復

Repair of retrograde skin avulsion injury on the dorsum of the hand by replantation in situ with subdermal vascular network flaps 真皮下血管網皮瓣原位再植治療手背皮膚逆行撕脫傷

The high - pressure metamorphic rocks underwent an isothermal decompressional retrograde process after the peak metamorphism 研究表明,高壓變質峰期后經?了近等溫降壓退變質過程。

Treatment of retrograde affection of lumber vertebra with intervertebral fusion device and fixation over pedicle of vertebral arch 椎間融合器并椎弓根系統固定治療腰椎退行性病變

Effect of the functional balance of peritoneal macrophages on clearing retrograded endometrial cells in the mouse model 腹腔巨噬細胞功能平衡對小鼠異位子宮內膜細胞清除的影響

Treatment of type a distal femoral supracondylar fracture with retrograde interlocking intramedullary nail through arthroscopy 帶鎖髓內釘治療下肢長骨復雜骨折及骨折不連

Use of a retrograde intramedullary interlocking nail for the treatment of distal femoral non - union and delayed union 逆行帶鎖髓內釘治療股骨髁上骨折58例臨床探討

The skull base is identified , then the instrument is used to dissect the remaining ethmoid in a retrograde fashion 識別顱骨,再用器械后退式切除余下的篩竇。

Therapeutic effect of acupuncture on intermittent claudication of second retrograde lumbar spinal stenosis 針刺治療繼發性退變性腰椎管狹窄間歇性跛行療效評價

The simple geocentric model cannot explain the retrograde motion of the planets . around 140 a . d . , 由于早期的地心說解釋不了行星逆行的現象,所以在公元140年,

Selling off all our nationalized companies to private ownership is a very retrograde step 出售我們全部國有化的公司變成私人的所有權是一項非常倒退的階段。

Treatment of distal femoral fractures with retrograde interlocking intramedullary nail under arthroscopy and cpm exercise 逆行交鎖髓內釘治療股骨遠端骨折

Treatment of delayed union and nonunion of fractures in the distal part of femurs with retrograde interlocking nail 逆行交鎖髓內釘治療股骨遠端骨折32例

Also at month ' s end , mars will finally go direct after having been retrograde since november 15 在這個月末,火星從11月15日逆行以來終于變成前進。

Granulite - facies retrograde metamorphism of garnet pyroxenite in muzidian , northern dabie mountains 北大別木子店石榴輝石巖的麻粒巖相退變質作用

Treatment of comminuted fracture of distal end of femur with retrograde intramedullary interlocking nail 逆行帶鎖髓內釘治療股骨遠端粉碎性骨折