
retrogradation n.后退,倒退;逆行;退步,退化;退減(作用)。


Experiments indicated that compared with the native starch , the paste made of granular maize starch soluble in cold water prepared by alcoholysis showed higher apparent viscosity , higher stability of freeze thaw and lower retrogradation ; while the paste made of granular tapioca and potato starch soluble in cold water showed lower viscosity , stability of freeze thaw and retrogradation 試驗證明,相對于原淀粉糊,醇解法制備的顆粒狀冷水可溶玉米淀粉糊的表觀粘度和凍融穩定性有所提高,凝沉性降低;顆粒狀冷水可溶木薯和馬鈴薯淀粉糊的表觀粘度、凝沉性和凍融穩定性均降低。

In this paper , the erosional characteristics along the suizhong sarldy coast of the liaodong bay are analyzed by comparing nautical charts in different periods and analyzing remote sensing images and multi - year field monitoring data , and it is shown from the analysis results that the loose coastal sediments and intense coastal dynamic actions are the basic conditions for the recent coastal erosion , and the decrease in terrigenous material discharged into the sea , marine dynamic actions , coastal engineering structures and offshore sand recovery are the main affecting factors for the coastal retrogradation 摘要通過不同時期海圖對比、分析遙感圖像和多年現場監測資料,分析了遼東灣綏中沙質海岸侵蝕的特點,認為海岸組成物質松散與海岸動力作用強烈是本區現代海岸侵蝕的基本條件;陸源物質入海量減少、海動力作用、沿岸工程建筑和海上采砂是其海岸蝕退的主要影響因素。

Many times structure movements of huanhua basin result in many times water progradation and retrogradation . cycle sediment in portrait and stratum lapout & denudation in plane and vary of different types sand body are resulted in sediment process . it provides better condition for subtle trap 研究表明,黃驊坳陷構造運動的多期性形成多次水進水退,在沉積上產生了縱向的多旋回性和平面上的地層超覆與剝蝕以及不同類型砂體的變化,為隱蔽油氣藏的形成提供了良好條件,盆地中區是隱蔽油氣藏較為集中的分布區。

Abstract : the germinating capacities , fatty acid values and viscosities of wheat samples were analyzed by determining the viscosities , germinating capacities and fatty acid values , etc , which are the indices of quality deterioration , of 53 types of different wheat samples and the retrogradation degree and quality state of grains were showed through fatty acid value , germinating capacity , senes analysis and taste evaluation , however , wheat quality was evaluated by only viscosity which would cause greater error 文摘:本研究通過測定53個不同品質小麥樣品的粘度值、發芽率和脂肪酸值等品質劣變指標,分析了發芽率、脂肪酸值和粘度之間的關系,并認為脂肪酸值、發芽率、感觀分析及品嘗評分結果都能較好地說明糧食的陳化程度和品質狀況,而粘度值用于評價小麥的品質則會產生較大的誤差。

This paper presents the principle and the maximum resolution of the spectral imaging followed by taking a case study as an example to discuss the application of this technique to sedimentary facies classification and the practical significance of it in progradation and retrogradation identification of sedimentary environment 從理論基礎分析出發,首先介紹了頻譜成像的原理、最大分辨率,然后結合國內某油田的實際情況,闡述用頻譜成像技術進行沉積相劃分以及判斷沉積環境水進水退的方法及實際效果。

Regarding matthew ' s statements that the star “ went before “ and “ stood over “ , molnar and others have maintained that the greek words used there refer to jupiter ' s retrogradation ( i . e . apparent but not actual retrograde motion ) and stationing , respectively , as the movement of jupiter against the background of the stars appears to reverse course for a time and then stops before resuming the normal progression 關于馬太對“居先”和“站立”的恒星的陳述,蒙爾耐和其他人聲稱這里是使用了希臘單詞來分別地代表木星的倒行和停留(例如,外觀上并不是真正的逆行運動) ,當木星逆著恒星背景而行,在一段時間內呈現出相反路線,然后在重新開始正常行進之前停止。

The results showed that compared with the colocasia esculenta schott starch , the starch phosphate ester had properties of easier gelatinization , higher clarity , better retrogradation , freeze - thaw stability and anti - mycotic characteristics improved , and paste viscosity decreased 結果表明,與原淀粉相比,香芋淀粉磷酸酯更容易糊化、透明度高、沉降穩定性好、凍融穩定性和抗霉菌能力有所改善、糊粘度減小。

The upper yingshan formation in tahe oil field is analyzed in the light of the theory of high - frequency sequence stratigraphy ; it comprise of 4 fourth - order sequences , including two progradation parasequence sets and two retrogradation parasequence sets , and 28 fifth - order sequences 由于四級層序、五級層序是受米蘭科維奇天文周期控制的異旋同成因層序,橫向變化不大,能夠在大范圍內追蹤對比。

The effects of substitution degree on paste viscosity , clarity , freeze - thaw stability , retrogradation , gelatinization difficult or easy degree , salt tolerance , sucrose tolerance and anti - mycotic characteristics of colocasia esculenta schott starch phosphate ester were studied 摘要研究了香芋淀粉磷酸脂的糊粘度、透明度、凍融穩定性、沉降穩定性、糊化難易程度、耐糖、耐鹽和抗霉菌能力。

It was found that replacing part of granulated sugar in the complex solution of granulated sugar and sticky rice starch with trehalose could be effectively stay the course of retrogradation 研究發現,在含有糯米粉、白砂糖的復合體系溶液中,用海藻糖替代部分白砂糖,能有效地延緩回生的進程。

Meanwhile , the inhibition of trehalose for the retrogradation could be more apparent during the frequent courses of freezing and thawing , according to the analysis of the preservation condition 同時,通過對保存條件的分析,發現海藻糖在頻繁的凍融過程中更能體現出抑制回生的效果。

The inhibition of trehalose for the retrogradation of sticky rice starch was studied 摘要本文主要研究了海藻糖對糯米粉的回生抑制作用。

The effects of substitution degree on retrogradation and anti - mycotic were less 取代度的變化對沉降性和抗霉菌能力影響不大。

The art of printing secures us against the retrogradation of reason and information 印刷藝術防止我們的理性和知識退化。