
retrofit n.(飛機等的)式樣翻新。vt.,vi.(-fitted...


Application of carbon fiber reinforced plastic retrofit method in a canal bridge 碳纖維布在某運河大橋箱梁加固中的應用

Retrofitting of noise barriers on fanling highway near fanling centre , fanling 粉嶺公路近粉嶺中心的加建隔音屏障工程

Application of the external prestressed technique in bridge retrofit engineering 體外預應力技術在橋梁加固中的應用

United states and china launch clean diesel retrofit program , 11182004 美國與中國展開凈化空氣合作, 2004年11月18日

Retrofit of ball valve sealing ring operating system in longtan hydropower plant 龍潭水電廠球閥密封環操作系統改造

Design and operation of retrofitting chain - grate boiler into a cfb boiler 鏈條爐改造為循環流化床鍋爐的設計與運行

Tv announcement - retrofitting petrol filling stations with vapour recovery system 電視宣傳短片-油站汽體回收系統

Technical retrofit to venturi dust - catcher with water membrane of 410 t h boiler 鍋爐文丘里水膜除塵器的技術改造

Retrofit save water save money 翻新使用省水省錢

Ctb has already retrofitted armrests to exposed seats on all buses 城巴已在所有巴士上沒有遮擋的座位加設扶手。

The retrofit and application to the type udz - o1 electrical contacted water level 01型電接點液位計的改進及應用

Seismic appraiser and retrofitting design for the geological museum of china 中國地質博物館抗震鑒定與加固設計

The retrofit scheme is analyzed and summarized in the aspect of maintenance 從檢修角度對改造方案進行了剖析。

Retrofit of the filter system at the inlet of 2ac 55m 215 ; 3had type air compressors 型空壓機入口過濾系統改造

Ball screw for lathe retrofit 普通車床改造用滾珠螺桿副

Retrofitting of a planar separator circulating fluidized bed boiler 平面流分離循環流化床鍋爐改造及其運行

Lantau and airport railway - retrofitting of noise barriers at tung chung 機場鐵路東涌隔音屏障加裝工程

Retrofit of the operation system of the residue transformation equipment 渣液轉換器操作系統的技術改造

Performance standard for retrofit drains 改型排水管的性能標準