
retrocession n.1.交還;后退。2.【醫學】(疾病)內攻;(器官等)...


Recently , the public has focused its concern on expanding educational opportunities for aboriginal peoples . although the educational achievements of aborigines have , since taiwan s retrocession in 1945 , been steadily improving , other ethnic groups have made even greater progress . in the initial stages , the educational levels of aborigines showed signs of growth due to expansion in the educational structure ; however , in later stages this progress began to slip 因為光復以來,原住民的教育成就雖然也有向上提升的趨勢,但是其他族群提升的幅度卻更大,并且原住民教育程度之向上流動的情形,復有隨教育結構的擴張而出現先大后小的跡象,以致目前的人口中,仍以中學以下程度者居多,依賴體力勞動為生。

The decade following the retrocession of taiwan , new towns appeared one after another along the xindian creek . as the number of new factories increased , the deterioration of raw water quality became more significant 灣光復后十馀年間,新店溪沿岸新興城鎮逐漸形成,新設工廠日增,造成原水水質明顯惡化。

After the retrocession , dakangpu has emerged and become a well - known modernized district 光復后的大港埔更是逐漸繁榮,是眾所皆知的現代化行政區。