
retroactive adj.1.逆動的;反作用的。2.【法律】追溯既往的,有...


Article 84 national law , administrative regulations , local decrees , autonomous decrees and special decrees , and administrative or local rules do not have retroactive force , except where a special provision is made in order to better protect the rights and interests of citizens , legal persons and other organizations 第八十四條法律、行政法規、地方性法規、自治條例和單行條例、規章不溯及既往,但為了更好地保護公民、法人和其他組織的權利和利益而作的特別規定除外。

Excepting the defences specified in paragraph 1 of article 167 of this law , the insurer or guarantor may not , with respect to direct actions brought by the person suffering damage in accordance with the provisions of this chapter , avail himself of any ground of nullity of the insurance or guarantee or any right of retroactive cancellation in setting up defences 除本法第一百六十七條第一款規定的抗辯權,保險人或者擔保人對受害人依照本章規定提起的直接訴訟不得以保險或者擔保的無效或者追溯力終止為由進行抗辯。

In addition to the preceding non - recurring items , which affected the fourth quarter , the company recorded a goodwill impairment charge of $ 72 million on its mail technologies unit retroactive to 2002 s first quarter and the adoption of fasb statement no . 142 . for the full year ended dec . 31 , revenue totaled $ 31 . 3 billion , up 3 . 1 % compared to the $ 30 . 3 billion reported during 2001 除了上述三項影響第四季業績的非經常項目, ups還錄得一項七千二百萬美元的商譽耗蝕費用,來自旗下機構mailtechnologies追溯至二零零二年第一季的商譽耗蝕,以及采納美國財政會計標準委員會( fasb )第142號聲明后的結果。

With the erp system on - line operation in july 2005 , sales price system of steel product has been officially opened . so that effectively solved the problem that sales price only way to catalogue enquiries , ensuring the computer manage the price of arbitrary time , provided effective support system for the retroactive price history 隨著攀鋼整體產銷系統2005年7月上線投運,攀鋼鋼鐵產品銷售價格體系正式啟用,有效地解決了銷售價格只能以目錄方式查詢的問題,保證了計算機管理的價格在任意時點的唯一性,保留了價格變更軌跡,為價格歷史追溯及價格策略的制定提供了有效的系統支持,確保了銷售作為產銷系統的龍頭,具有十分重要意義。

After launching an investigation , mofcom may take necessary measures , such as imposing import registration onto related imported products , where sufficient evidence exists pointing to the existence of the two circumstances listed above at the same time , in order to collect retroactive anti - dumping duties 商務部發起調查后,有充分證據證明前款所列兩種情形并存的,可以對有關進口產品采取進口登記等必要措施,以便追溯征收反傾銷稅。

However , news discourse is not merely the passive agent of meaning , considering that the discourse itself exerts a subtle retroactive effect on syntactic , lexical features as well as discourse in the process of endowing and decoding the meaning 而新聞語篇不僅僅是被動的意義的承擔者,因為在賦予意義和解讀意義的過程中,它自身在語篇、句法和詞匯方面的特點發揮了潛移默化的反作用。

Research grants to individual scientists , traditionally kept safe from high - level budget machinations , have taken a 15 percent hit , retroactive to last fall ; hundreds have already received “ termination letters ” canceling their projects 資助個別科學家的研究經費向來在高階預算籌劃上非常穩定,也刪掉了15 % ,而且溯及2005年秋季;已有數百人接到裁撤他們計畫的終止信。

Chu said the extra $ 150 , 000 in life insurance and the higher death gratuity would be retroactive to october 7 , 2001 , the date the united states launched its invasion of afghanistan in response to the september 11 terrorist attacks 以上的15萬元的保險和更高的死亡撫恤金將追溯到2001年10月7日,從那時候開始,美國為九一一的恐怖襲擊而發動了對阿富汗的入侵。

If someone is injured today but does not make a claim until next year , it is the policy that is in force next year that will respond , unless the retroactive date covers the time the accident happened 如果某人今天受傷,但直到下一年才提出索賠,那么下一年的有效保險單將對此作出答復,除非事故發生時間包括在追溯日期內。

Moreover , in the event a barred ( or any likeness of ) a barred person attempts to open an account , their account will become void retroactive to one ( 1 ) second after the account was opened 如果任何客戶使用多個賬戶或試圖申請多個賬戶以做騙取推廣之用,賭城有權終止該賬戶的運作。

Through comparing the validity of dissolution the contract in continental law system with that in common law system , the retroactive validity of dissolution the contract is affirmed 文章通過對大陸法系和英美法系合同解除效力的比較研究,確認了合同解除的一體溯及力。

For tax purposes , the company has elected to be taxed as a corporation . this election is retroactive to its date of organization 為了避稅,公司通常選擇作為有限公司的形式。這種選擇的追溯效力從注冊之日起。

As long as it ' s written out in law , retroactive changes are , in the lack of viable alternatives , an acceptable solution 最好的辦法是人大修改基本法來明確表明程況,比釋法更有說服力。

This invalidation shall not have retroactive effect , unless otherwise provided for in the laws of the region 該法律的失效,除香港特別行政區的法律另有規定外,無溯及力。

If and when it is invalidated , the invalidation , article 17 expressly says , is not retroactive 如果法例最終無效,該指引在基本法第十七條清楚表明,是無溯及力的。

The flesh handler ' s gloves no longer have random enchants . this change is retroactive 新手的手套不再帶有隨機附魔,這個變化是可追溯的(莫非是以前的都沒有? ? )

Some bills in congress would make the higher gratuity retroactive but not the extra life insurance 而一些國會的議案只限撫恤金可以追溯,而增加的保險就不必了。

They get a pay rise retroactive to last january 他獲得從去年1月份開始補發的增加工資。

On the retroactive effect of ancient criminal law in china 我國古代刑法的溯及力