
retroaction n.1.逆動;反作用。2.【法律】追溯效力。3.【化學】...


Secondly , the author analyzes the relation of both fictitious economy and real economy and argues that the former not only rely on deeply the latter , but also it has huge retroaction on the latter , world fictitious economic development indicated each country must be faced with the coming of fictitious economy , 在此基礎上分析了虛擬經濟與實體經濟的關系,認為虛擬經濟既對實體經濟有依附性,又對實體經濟產生反作用。從世界虛擬經濟的發展和反思中得出世界經濟虛擬化表現日益明顯,它是各國經濟發展過程中不可回避的問題,盡管它有膨脹帶來的隱患,但不能成為限制我國虛擬經濟發展的理由。

Chapter 3 studies how contractual savings influences capital market , and analyzes the mechanism and condition of the influence . chapter 4 discusses the retroaction of capital market on contractual savings 第四章從兩者互動關系的另一個層面,資本市場的反作用角度探討資本市場對契約型儲蓄金融機構的制約及機制,以及形成制約的條件。

In short , the economy has decisive effect to the national defence , and the national defence has strong retroaction to the economic development 簡言之,經濟對國防建設具有決定作用,國防對經濟發展也有強大的反作用,歷史經驗為我們提供了一個反思的機會。

Study on the retroaction principles of modern criminal law - theoretical reconstruction to article 12 of new criminal law 試對新刑法第12條理論重構