
retrieve vt.1. 取回,恢復,挽回(失物、名譽等)。2.補償,...


This information can be retrieved at run time using the 此信息可以在運行時使用

After the key is retrieved and the token created , 檢索到密鑰并創建標記后,應調用

With the custom data format you wish to retrieve 用希望獲取的自定義數據格式替換

Note that we can only retrieve with sql mapping 注意,我們只能用sql映射來檢索:

When overridden in a derived class , retrieves the 當在派生類中重寫時,檢索事件的

The status of the check box can be retrieved using the 屬性可檢索復選框的狀態。

Will fail to retrieve the password from the profile 將無法從配置文件檢索密碼。

Of the interface for which the mapping is to be retrieved 為其檢索映射的接口的

That is associated with the toolbox items to retrieve 與要檢索的工具箱項關聯的

I intend to retrieve all karma that is my own 我意愿重新要回我自己所有的業力。

Cumulative count of lob data bytes retrieved 檢索到的lob數據字節數的累積計數。

Instance are also retrieved from the user settings 實例的屬性。如果用戶設置與

Retrieves the height of the current image in pixels 得到當前圖像高度的像素值。

Retrieves an object with the specified name from the 中檢索具有指定名稱的對象。

The components must first be retrieved or created from the 這些組件必須首先通過

Site used to retrieve windows update components 獲得windowsupdate組件的站點。

A mask used to retrieve public manifest resources 用于檢索公共清單資源的掩碼。

Retrieves the bounds within which the control is scaled 檢索縮放控件時的邊界。

Allows a designer to store and retrieve its state 允許設計器存儲和檢索其狀態。