
retributive adj.報應的;報復的;懲罰的。adv.-tively


He knew enough of the world to know that there is nothing in it better than the faithful service of the heart ; so rendered and so free from any mercenary taint , he had such an exalted respect for it , that in the retributive arrangements made by his own mind - we all make such arrangements , more or less - he stationed miss pross much nearer to the lower angels than many ladies immeasurably better got up both by nature and art , who had balances at tellson s 那是一種全未受到雇傭思想污染的忠誠的奉獻。他對她的這種感情持崇高的尊重的態度,并在心里做了補償我們都會這樣做的,只是有的人做得多,有的人做得少罷了,把普洛絲小姐放到了近于下層天使的地位,排到在臺爾森銀行開有戶頭的太太小姐之上,雖然后者的天然秉賦和后天教養不知道要比她強多少倍。

I see barsad , and cly , defarge , the vengeance , the juryman , the judge , long ranks of the new oppressors who have risen on the destruction of the old , perishing by this retributive instrument , before it shall cease out of its present use . i see a beautiful city “我看見巴薩克萊德伐日復仇女神陪審員法官,一長串新的壓迫者從被這個懲罰工具所摧毀的老壓迫者們身上升起,又在這個懲罰工具還沒有停止使用前被消滅。

The first group is distribution justice , exchange justice and retributive justice , the second group is individual justice and social justice , and the third group is the justice of entity and the procedural justice 公正依據不同的標準可分為:分配公正、交換公正和矯正公正,個人公正和社會公正,實體公正和程序公正。

Compared to the retributive justice , restorative justice is a criminal treatment which achieves the restorative effect adopting the restorative procedure 摘要與傳統的報應性司法相比,恢復性司法是一種通過恢復性程序實現恢復性結果的犯罪處理方法。

His conception of the criminal law turned on the idea of retributive justice . 在刑法觀上,他不同意關于懲罰的正義性觀點。