
retribution n.報復,懲罰;報應;果報;報酬,報答。 the day...


We cannot oppose the law of causality ; good and evil will have their karmic retribution when their time comes 因果不可昧:善有善報,惡有惡報;不是不報,時辰未到。

Most probably this disheartening experience was the retribution for my “ conditional sharing “ in the past 這次失望的經驗,或許是以前有條件分享所導致的果報吧!

The concept of love and retribution which was based on the basis of love model , pursuit of practice 摘要基于相知相悅愛情基礎上的情報模式,具有現實追求的色彩。

One may , indeed , admit the possibility of a retribution lurking in the present catastrophe 的確,一個人也許認為,在現在這場悲劇里,可能暗藏有報應的因素。

The retribution tree talent , “ pursuit of justice “ will now properly affect the speed of flying mounts 懲戒天賦下的“正義追擊”現在正常作用于飛行坐騎。

Doing evil leads to karmic retribution . karmic retribution pays your debt and leads to liberation 造惡如欠債,欠債當受報;受報如還債,還債即解脫。

For thine own ! forgive , and leave his further retribution to the power that claims it 你放寬容些,把對他來世的報應交給有極處理此事的神靈吧!

For the lord has a day of vengeance , a year of retribution , to uphold zion ' s cause 8 [和合]因耶和華有報仇之11日;為錫安的爭辯,有報應之年。

Victims often do not come forward for fear of retribution or deportation back to china 受害者怕被罰或遭遣返中國,都不敢挺身舉報(蛇頭) 。

Those who take delight in other people ' s pain will suffer retribution sooner or later 把快樂建立在別人痛苦之上的人遲早要受到報應的。

I ' ll be reporting on retribution pvp capability a couple weeks after s3 starts 競技場第三季開放后,我會進一步報告懲戒在pvp中的能力。

Justice will not sleep long . karmic retribution will ripen sooner or later 正義行事,公理不會長久湮沒;心存善念,果報必然早晚現前。

Retribution aura does not get the bonus damage from + holy effects or any auras 懲罰圣印并不會從加神圣效果的裝備中到額外傷害。

The president promised a swift and effective retribution against the terrorists 總統保證迅速有效地對恐怖分子的行為進行懲罰。

On the intensifying social control of the idea of good and evil retribution in ming dynasty 明代善惡報應現念的強化與社會調控

When karmic retributions knock on the door , not even the best physician can help us 當因果現前,再高明的醫師也幫不上忙。

Retribution first , utility second - on orientation of retribution and utility in criminal law 刑法上報應和功利的取舍初探

( retribution ) set has been fully changed to include more strength (懲戒騎士套裝)全面改變,法傷加成變更為力量屬性。

Money that is paid as retribution for injury , loss of life , vandalism , etc 為他人受傷、喪命、損壞財產而付出的酬金。