
retrial n.1.【法律】再審;復審。2.再實驗;再試驗;重新實驗...


The principle of non bis in idem and the reform of chinese criminal retrial procedure 一事不再理原則與我國刑事再審程序改革

Fundamental proposal of reforming the current civil case retrial system in china 關于改造我國現行民事再審制度的基本構想

Civil suit retrial program is a special relief program in civil disputes 摘要民事再審程序是民事糾紛的特殊的救濟程序。

On civil retrial procedure 論民事再審程序

The m g 1 queue with vacation threshold m , customer loss and general retrial times 顧客丟失且一般重試時間的排隊系統

Query on impartiality of civil retrial procedure instituted by people ' s court 人民法院提起民事再審程序合理性質疑

Whoever this is knows how hard it is to get a retrial in texas 不管這個人是誰,他知道在texas要復審是很困難的。

On the civil retrial procedure 淺議民事再審程序

The finality of the civil judgement - the balance of res judicata and civil retrial 既判力論與民事再審制度的衡平

Inadequacy and perfection on reasons for starting up civil retrial procedure 啟動民事再審程序理由的缺陷及完善

Second chapter : the relating to civil retrial procedure research of abroad 第二章:國外民事再審程序研究。

On retrial civil court system with the characteristics of reconstruction 論法院提起民事再審制度的特質與重構

That was not a basis for a retrial 竟然沒復審的條例

The study of civil retrial procedure 民事再審程序研究

A conception on the establishment of civil administrative retrial procedure 民事行政再審程序設置之構想

On non bis in idem and the retrial of china ' s death penalty case 論一事不再理原則與我國死刑案件的再審

There are many problems in the presant retrial procedure of china 我國現行再審程序存在著諸多問題。

As to the deadline for starting a criminal retrial p 錯案追究是對再審造成較大沖擊的另一個突出問題。

On reform of criminal retrial procedure 論民事再審程序的改革