
retrench vt.1.節省,減省,削減,縮減,減少(經費等);刪除,...


The traditional unicast and broadcast ca n ' t meet the demand of point to multi - points communication for cooperative design , ip multicast is the novel transport protocol to solve this question . it permits that a source in the network once delivers a packet to an arbitrary number of receivers . so it can retrench the network resources and enhance the transmission efficiency 傳統的點到點通信和廣播通信不能適應協同設計中這種點到多點的通信需求, ip多播正是針對此類問題提出的一種新型網絡傳輸方案,它允許一個ip節點將一個報文一次發送給網絡上的一組特定節點,可以節省網絡資源,有效提高網絡傳輸效率。

Electric power demand side management ( dsm ) is used as a support means to improve energy efficiency , use reasonableness and to optimize resource deployment , with increase of electricity use factor and change electricity use mode , dsm is paid more broad attention as it fulfill energy service at the same time it reduce electric use and demand to retrench energy and protect environment 電力需求側管理( dsm , demandsidemanagement )作為提高能效、合理用電、優化資源配置的支持手段,通過提高終端用電效率和改變用電方式,在滿足同樣能源服務的同時減少電量消耗和電力需求,達到節約能源和環境保護的目的,因而受到廣泛關注。

The tingjing group is in putting into effect the course of mrpii system , a mrpii does not only regard one set of software to come to popularize and is regarding a management model to recommend ; by way of mrpii system and computer network , each department and post can be covered by the system on universal ground a staff can get any information that relates with oneself vocational work by way of the cross - domain communication at any time , gain the various policy decision supports of real time quantification , carrying on operation process imitates , not only can quicken the rate of progress planning the work such as formulation and cost accounting etc greatly , and still economize that the report form and data shortened whole vocational work period in the delay that the difference function circulated between the department , and retrenched the personnel of work , and raise the efficiency managing work conquer the solid foundation for business process reengineering ( bpr ) , takes mrpii as the foundation , bpr has been in progress in the company and builded performance “ s evaluation system 引入mrp管理系統是提高管理水平的一個有效途徑。天健集團在實施mrp系統的過程中,不是把mrp僅僅作為一套軟件來推廣而是作為一個管理模式來引進的;通過mrp系統和計算機網絡,各部門和崗位可以普遍地被系統覆蓋,員工通過網絡隨時可以得到與自己業務有關的任何信息,取得實時量化的各種決策支持,進行業務流程模擬,不僅可以大大加速了計劃制訂、成本核算等工作的進度,還節省了報表、數據在不同職能部門之間流通的延誤,縮短了整個業務周期,精簡了事務性的人員,提高了管理工作的效率。還為實現組織的扁平化提供了條件,為流程重組打下了堅實的基礎。

For saving driver ics ' power consumption and cost , this research proposes a novel display pixel design with integrated charge pump circuits . the proposed display pixel design can supply driving voltage more than double the input voltage to display pixels . there are two advantages for this developed novel pixel design . first , the power consumption of the panels with the proposed novel pixels can be reduced due to the lower voltage on data lines . second , the high voltage driver ics are not necessary , such that the cost and power consumption of the corresponding driving systems can be diminished . from the simulation results , the pixel voltage indeed could raise to more than double input voltage by this proposed design . in addition , the pixels with charge pump circuits also retrench about half power consumption than the conventional display pixels 為了節省面板電路驅動芯片的功率損耗以及制作成本,本研究提出一種新的像素電路設計,而在設計中將會融合電荷泵電路.利用這種電路設計的像素可有效地將像素電極上的驅動電壓提高到輸入電壓的2 3倍以上.此像素電路設計具有兩個優勢:第一,可以有效降低顯示面板的像素功率損耗;第二,不需高電壓的面板電路驅動芯片,因此可節省芯片的成本及功率損耗.由模擬結果可知,像素電極上的驅動電壓確實可由此像素電路設計而提高到輸入電壓的2 3倍以上;而像素的功率損耗也可有效地降低,約為傳統像素的1 / 2

This can be illustrated by the fact that despite the continued weakening of the traditional securities trading market , we are able to avoid retrenching our staff but instead redeploying them to departments that needed them and reallocating our resources in a timely fashion 如近年傳統證券銷售業務的表現持續欠佳,集團馬上重新調配資源,將分行由六間減至三間,并將人手分配至其他有需要的部門,而無需裁員。

Summed up some new teaching models . they are combination showing , problem exploring , individual guiding and assisting , discussing and cooperating . secondly , the writer brought up that the traditional content of courses should be revised and retrenched 隨后,總結了現代技術支持下的新型教學模式,主要是:組合演示教學模式、問題探究教學模式、個別輔導教學模式、協商合作教學模式。

Under the conditions of our present social and economic development , identity governance is the instrument of reducing pubic administration costs , while the internalization of contractual governance is the instrument of retrenching the market transaction cost 在我國現階段的社會經濟發展條件下,身份治理是行政管理節約管理成本的工具;交易契約內部化是組織管理節約市場交易成本的工具。

There are three characteristics in the question answer system , retrenching resource , intelligence , and high efficiency comparing with the foreign question answer system , the paper points out that the shortcoming of our system is lack of advancing technology 該系統能夠自動理解用戶輸入的自然語言問題文本,返回一組與問題相關的答案,具有節約資源、智能性、執行效率高等特點。

We assign special counters at our job centres or render out - reach employment services to workers affected by major retrenchments . in 2002 , the service reached out to 9 656 retrenched workers of 50 companies 本處人員會在就業中心設立特別柜臺,或提供外展服務,為受大規模裁員事件影響的工人提供就業服務。

Our project with the international labour organization has promoted self - employment among migrants and retrenched workers and will be scaled up nationwide by the government of china 除此之外,我們與國際勞工組織的合作項目也推動了外來移民和雇工進行自主創業,并將通過中國政府的努力,在全國推廣開來。

Eliminating teaching programmes and retrenching teaching staff are not something that educators like to do but if university finance is in dire straits , these unpleasant decisions cannot be avoided 減少課程項目和教師是大家都不愿意見到的,但如果大學面臨困境,這些難以接受的決定是不能避免的。

Provide all retrenched employees with a reference letter certifying that the retrenchment had to be made because of circumstances beyond a company s control and was unrelated to their performance 被裁雇員應獲發一封公司證明書,證明裁員是由于公司所不能控制的情況所致,與雇員的工作表現無關;

Besides offering retraining and placement services to employers and employees , erb also provides services to those employers who need to retrench large number of employees 裁員轉業輔導服務除了提供再培訓及就業服務外,雇員再培訓局亦為擬大規模裁員之雇主提供服務。

Example : because the regional economy has turned bad and our sales are low , we have decided to retrench and postpone plans to build a new manufacturing plant next year 由于該地區的經濟已經轉糟,而且我們的銷售額很低,我們決定緊縮開支,推遲明年建造新制造廠的計劃。

Thus land consolidation in the resettlement is an important approach to retrench and make full use of the land resources , and to relocate the affected persons appropriately 在工程移民中進行土地整理是實現土地資源節約、高效利用,妥善安置工程移民的重要途徑。

Besides offering retraining and placement services to employers and employees , erb also provides services to those employers who need to retrench large number of employees 除了提供再培訓及就業服務外,雇員再培訓局亦為擬大規模裁員之雇主提供服務。

Ld making all - out effort to assist retrenched employees of security company 康文署就保安中心有限公司事件的回應

Retrenched workers of 21 companies . serving the university graduates of 2003 為二零零三年畢業的大學生提供服務

Inflation has forced us to retrench 因通貨膨脹我們不得不緊縮開支