
retreat n.1.退卻;退兵;退卻信號,(日沒時的)回營號[鼓]。...


Their own promptitude in retreating at the critical moment saved them . 他們自己在危急的時刻迅速退卻,這才得以避免被殲滅。

“let me go into some other room,“ said the boy, retreating still further . “讓我到另一間屋子里去,”少年說時又退后幾步。

The heavens were placid, but still luminous with the light at the retreating sun . 天空一片寧靜,夕陽染得天際色彩斑斕。

He was not one to retreat but rather one who would take up the gauntlet . 他不是一個想退卻的人,倒是一個寧愿應戰的人。

With the retreat of this boundary the cohesive bonds gradually yield . 隨著這種邊界的后退,凝聚性結合逐漸屈服。

It was from that feeling that you chose your summer retreat at pompeii ? 你是出于這種考慮,才到寵貝來避暑的?

Very unwillingly charles saw that he must give the order to retreat . 查理看到,他不得不違心地下令撤軍了。

The minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position . 那部長很不光彩地背離了他原先的立場。

Why did the soldiers blow up all the bridges when they retreated ? 為什么士兵在撤退時,把橋梁都炸掉了呢?

They emerged from their retreat and swooped down upon the torg meeting . 他們重整旗鼓撲向保守黨的會場。

The enemy retreated . 敵人退卻了。

I am fool enough to bring the war into my spiritual retreat . 我真糊涂,竟把戰爭帶進我修身養性的地方。

It was too late now to retreat , he must make good his word . 當時退縮已遲,他只好照他自己的話做了。

The poacher beat a hasty retreat when he saw the police coming . 偷獵者見有警察來到立刻匆忙逃走。

A cornor of his mind has retreated and become cold . 他內心的一個角落卻已經打了退堂鼓,冷下來了。

If the blockage worked, they could retreat with dignity . 如果封鎖發生作用,他們可以體面地撤退。

We have found ourselves a beautiful exurban retreat . 我們已在市郊之外找到了一個美麗的安靜之處。

The enemy has retreated . 敵人已經退了。

He decided that he must advance farther, rather than retreat . 他寧可再接再勵,不愿半途而廢。