
retraction n.1.(爪等的)縮進 (opp. protrusion...


Chapter 2 of this paper , by using a new method of proof , we obtain the weak ergodic convergence theorem for general semigroups of asymptotically nonexpansive type semigroups in reflexive banach space . by theorem 2 . 1 of chapter 1 we get the weak ergodic convergence theorem of almost orbit for general semigroups of asymptotically nonexpansive type semigroups in reflexive banach space . by this method of proof , we give the weak ergodic convergence theorems for right reversible semigroups . by theorem 2 . 1 of chapter l , we generalize the result to almost orbit case . so we can remove a key supposition that almost orbit is almost asymptotically isometric . it includes all commutative semigroups cases . baillon [ 8 ] , hirano and takahashi [ 9 ] gave nonlinear retraction theorems for nonexpansive semigroups . recently mizoguchi and takahashi [ 10 ] proved a nonlinear ergodic retraction theorem for lipschitzian semigroups . hirano and kido and takahashi [ 11 ] , hirano [ 12 ] gave nonlinear retraction theorems for nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex banach spaces with frechet differentiable norm . . in 1997 , li and ma [ 16 ] proved the ergodic retraction theorem for general semitopological semigroups in hilbert space without the conditions that the domain is closed and convex , which greatly extended the fields of applications of ergodic theory . chapter 2 of this paper , we obtain the ergodic retraction theorem for general semigroups and almost orbits of asymptotically nonexpansive type semigroups in reflexive banach spaces . and we give the ergodic retraction theorem for almost orbits of right reversible semitopological semigroups 近年來, bruck [ 5 ] , reich [ 6 ] , oka [ 7 ]等在具frechet可微范數的一致凸banach空間中給出了非擴張及漸近非擴張映射及半群的遍歷收斂定理。 li和ma [ 13 ]在具frechet可微范數的自反banach空間中給出了一般交換漸近非擴張型拓撲半群的遍歷收斂定理,這是一個重大突破。本文第二章用一種新的證明方法在自反banach空間中,研究了揚州大學碩士學位論文2一般半群上的( r )類漸近非擴張型半群的弱遍歷收斂定理,即:定理3 . 1設x是具性質( f )的實自反banach空間, c是x的非空有界閉凸子集, g為含單位元的一般半群, s =仕工, 。

( 4 ) we construct the concepts of stratified approximations and base in an l - fuzzy domain , and define uniformly continuous l - fuzzy domain and algebraic l - fuzzy domain by means of the concept of base for l - fuzzy domain , prove that they are generalizations of ordinary continuous domain and algebraic domain , when l is a completely distributive lattice in which 1 is a molecule and the minimal mapping on l preserves finite meet , the stratified approximation relations on a continuous l - fuzzy domain satisfy the property of stratified interpolations , and is consist of a base for the generalized scott topology on a continuous l - fuzzy domain ( x , e ) , and every continuous l - fuzzy domain can be seen as an l - fuzzy scott continuous retraction of some algebraic l - fuzzy domain ( 4 )在l - fuzzydomain中引進層次逼近和基的概念,用統一的基的方法定義了連續l - fuzzydomain和代數l - fuzzydomain ,證明了它們分別是通常的連續domain和代數domain的推廣。當l是1為分子的完全分配格,并且其上的極小映射保有限交時,證明了連續l - fuzzydomain上的層次逼近關系滿足層次插值性質,構成連續l - fuzzydomain ( x , e )上廣義scott拓撲的基,以及任意的連續l - fuzzydomain都可以作為某代數l - fuzzydomain的l - fuzzyscott連續收縮。

This was due to three reasons : ( 1 ) baso4 particles were rigid inorganic particles , which could hinder the retraction of polymer molecules and decreased the elasticity . ( 2 ) a bad compatibility between baso4 and tpu , small interface adhesive force and the phase interface ready to separate . ( 3 ) during high content of baso4 , the tenacity of filament mainly depended on tpu , so that the strength decreased with the content of tpu in filament down 這是因為: baso _ 4屬于剛性粒子,阻礙tpu大分子鏈的回縮,降低了纖維的彈性; baso _ 4與tpu相容性極差,共混時容易形成相界面,界面結合力小,受外力作用時相與相間容易發生分離,使纖維的力學性能下降; baso _ 4在高含量下,纖維強度主要由聚合物的力學性能決定,隨著baso4含量的增加, tpu所占比例下降,從而在宏觀上表現出纖維的力學性能下降。

Through the research of the tension in vivo , the immediate retraction rate and histology examination about the different ways and different maintaining , we get : the increase area of the rapid and conventional expansion has little difference with the expanded time ; however it has significant difference with the maintaining time . it shows that shortening the expanded time is feasible in clinic , but shortening the maintaining time is out of the question ; after the capsule is removed , immediate retraction rate of the expanded skin notably decreased , significantly different from those with intact capsule ; the collagen content of the rapid expansion is just the same as the conventional expansion , but the changes of the histology dependences on the maintaining time . comparison with conventional expansion , rapid expansion has no significant drawback ; maintaining a period after expansion can greatly increase the area of expanded skin and reduce immediate retraction 通過對不同擴張期、不同方式和不同維持期對擴張皮膚的在體張力、即時回縮和皮膚組織學的研究,得到:快速擴張和常規擴張最后獲取的皮瓣,面北京工業大學工學博士學位論文一積增加差別不大;擴張皮膚的面積增加和張力下降與維持期的長短有關;而與擴張期的長短關系不大,說明在皮膚擴張術中可以縮短注水時間,但是維持時間不能縮短;擴張皮膚去除包膜后的即時回縮率下降,與未去除包膜的相比較有明顯差異;快速擴張皮膚的膠原含量變化與常規擴張的基本一致,擴張皮膚的組織學變化與維持期的關系較為密切,與擴張方式關系不大;快速擴張和常規擴張相比,快速擴張沒有明顯的破壞作用;擴張結束后,維持一段時間,能有效的提高擴張面積且能有效地減少回縮。

Moreover , according to the performance analysis , a dynamic modify lookahead algorithm is presented to solve the problem of impaction of lookahead on system performance . a dynamic execution rate regulation algorithm is presented to reduce the retraction rate for optimistic federate . the test result showed that these two algorithms could improve system performance 考慮到時間管理部分對邦元程序性能的影響,本文還針對保守邦元中lookahead的設置對系統性能的影響,提出了lookahead的動態修正算法;針對影響樂觀邦元性能的關鍵因素,提出了動態調整邦元執行速度的算法來控制回卷概率。

After maxillary protraction and mandibular retraction with occipito - mental anchorage ( oma ) appliance on first stage , the patient was successfully treated with fixed orthodontic appliance with modified multiple loop edgewise archwire ( meaw ) and asymmetric elastics 本病例報告為一12歲女孩,主訴下顎前突及偏斜,經第一階段以功能性顎骨矯正將上顎拉出及抑制下顎骨生長;第二階段使用全口固定式矯正裝置,以改良式meaw在3 ~ 4個月內改善齒列正中線,以及修正偏斜的下顎。

The key management server of key management subsystem assumes the core function of key management . it offers the retraction and filing etc . the server cipher machine ensures the safety generation and safety issuing of the keys 密鑰管理子系統中的密鑰管理服務器承擔了密鑰管理的核心功能,同時提供了撤消、歸檔等功能,服務器密碼機保證了用戶密鑰的安全產生和安全分發。

Key management subsystem offers management for the encryption key , including the generation , storage , distributing , backup , upgrade , retraction and recovery of the key . kmc , as a sole system , can provides key management service for one or several ca systems 密鑰管理子系統提供加密證書密鑰對的管理,包括密鑰的生成、存儲、分發、備份、更新、撤消、歸檔和恢復等。

This article for the most part of introducing landing gear system of airbus - a320 aircraft , braking system by way of parenthesis . the landing gear system includes landing gear parts , landing gear doors and extension and retraction system 正文:本文主要講述了空客a320飛機的起落架系統,包括有起落架部件、起落架艙門還有起落架的收放系統,附帶介紹了飛機的剎車系統。

This article for the most part of introducing landing gear system of airbus - a320 aircraft , braking system by way of parenthesis . the landing gear system includes landing gear parts , landing gear doors and extension and retraction system 本文主要講述了空客a320飛機的起落架系統,包括有起落架部件、起落架艙門還有起落架的收放系統,附帶介紹了飛機的剎車系統。

The paper mainly introluces the stretching method for tendon , reasons for retraction of male cone , the influence of male cone retraction on prestress value , and measures adopt in dealing with extra loss of prestress 介紹預應力筋張拉方法、錨塞回縮產生的原因、錨塞回縮對預應力值的影響程度以及其對預應力值過大損失的處理方法和措施。

Be located in bone of mid the upper jaw , before having possibly also dash forward or the deformation of retraction , also can do through the operation according to the circumstance a few adjust , change its pattern 位于面中部的上頜骨,也可能有前突或者后縮的畸形,也可以根據情況通過手術做一些調整,改變其形態。

What s more , once the afae measurements are complete , shutter release time lag is a virtually imperceptible 0 . 03 seconds . another boost to overall speed is a lens retraction time of just 0 . 6 seconds 03秒后釋放,快門時滯極短實在令人難以察覺,讓您可以毫無間斷地進行拍攝。此外,相機的鏡頭伸縮時間亦只不過是0

During such process culture plays a kind of power which is built up upon the economy and social structure and reflects them , but it also has the retraction as an independent power 在這一過程中,文化作為一種力量,它建立在經濟和社會結構基礎之上并反映其特性,但文化自身的獨立性又反作用于社會結構。

Whereas many taildraggers can afford to use non - retracting gear with minimal impact on performance , planes with nosewheels almost always require retraction mechanisms to reduce drag 另一方面,固定式后三點起落架耐沖擊性能較強。而前三點起落架,需要收放式以減小飛行時的阻力。

Despite this , let me predict the number of retractions , apologies , and so on , in tomorrow ' s newspapers and on the sites . not one . nada . zip 盡管如此,我們倒可以預測一下明天各大媒體的反應。有幾家媒體會撤消他們的報道,有幾家媒體會作出道歉?我猜,一家也不會有。

The careless , half - humorous shrug thus hears a visual affinity to the nod or bow of submissiveness and also to a turtle ' s retraction of its head into its shell 因此,漫不經心、略帶幽默的聳肩看起來和點頭表示順從有些想象,也好像烏龜把頭縮進殼里的動作。

The coverboard is fitted with a brush so that during retraction larger debris ( leaves and twigs ) is removed from the cover by the brush integrated into the coverboard 內置的篷布清潔刷,在每次遮陽篷收起時自動清潔篷布表面積存少量樹葉樹枝等雜物。

Rough handling and prolonged or strenuous retraction of the nerve may cause distressing symptoms after surgery or possibly a permanent disability in the leg 粗暴的操作、長時間地或用力地牽拉神經,可能導致術后出現神經癥狀或下肢永久性功能障礙。