
retractility n.伸縮性;可縮進性。


To meet the increasing demands on network management system , the traditional system based on manager / agent model adopting a centralizing model has been faced with a series of hard problems : lacking integration ability ; lacking expansibility ; the difficulty on complex network management programming ; the limited retractility caused by the high centralization of network management application 面對不斷增加的網絡管理的需求,傳統的基于管理方代理的集中式網絡管理模型面臨著一系列難以克服的問題:系統缺乏可集成性、系統缺乏可擴展性、復雜網管的應用編程比較困難、網管應用的高度集中,嚴重限制了網絡的可伸縮性。

The increasing scale complexity and function of the network are making network management more and more important to meet the increasing demands on network management system , the traditional system based on manager / agent model adopting a centralizing model has been faced with a series of hard problems : lacking integration ability ; lacking expansibility ; the difficulty on complex network management programming ; the limited retractility caused by the high centralization of network management application 面對不斷增加的網絡管理新需求,傳統的基于管理方代理的集中式網絡管理模型面臨著一系列難以克服的問題:系統缺乏可集成性、系統缺乏可擴展性、復雜網管的應用編程比較困難、網管應用的高度集中,嚴重限制了網絡的可伸縮性。

As an distributed computing model , corba is provided with feature of object - orient , inter - platform and inter - language etc . , corba is becoming the core technology driving the development of network management . it has the unparalleled superiority : easily creating the expansible network management model ; adapting to the retractility of network management system ; offering open and standard interface ; separating the users “ interfaces from manager ' s code ; integrating with the programming language ' s advantage ; offering high compatibility and availability . integrating corba with snmp web and java makes the network management based corba more stronger Corba技術是一種分布式計算模式,它具有面向對象、跨平臺、跨語言等特性,它正在成為推動網絡管理技術發展的核心技術,它具有其它技術無法單獨取代的優越性:便于創建易于擴展的網絡管理應用框架、可以適應網絡系統的可伸縮性、可以提供開放和標準的接口界面、可以將用戶界面和管理方代碼分離、可以結合各種編程語言各自的優越性、可以提供更好的容錯性。

It has the following virtues : good magnetic retractility , rapid response , and high energy density , so it interests scholars all over the world . based on the characteristics of the giant magnetostrictive material and the requirements of the industrial devices / systems , this article tends a more precise , adapting to active vibration control giant magnetostrictive actuator ( gma ) 稀土超磁致伸縮材料是一種新型的功能材料,磁致伸縮應變大、響應速度快、能量密度高等是該類材料的顯著特點,因其優異的性能、良好的應用前景,而得到世界各國學者的關注。

Since the current key technology - corba in distributed object technology is introduced to the field of network management , it has become the core technology driving the development of network management it has the unparalleled superiority : easily creating the expansible network management model ; adapting to the retractility of network management system ; offering open and standard interface ; separating the users “ interfaces from manager ' s code ; integrating with the programming language ' s advantage ; offering high compatibility and availability . integrating with web and java makes the network management based corba more stranger 以corba為代表的分布式對象技術一經引入,便成為推動網絡管理技術發展的核心技術,它具有其它技術無法單獨取代的優越性:便于創建易于擴展的網絡管理應用框架、可以適應網絡系統的可伸縮性、可以提供開放和標準的接口界面、可以將用戶界面和管理方代碼分離、可以結合各種編程語言各自的優越性、可以提供更高的容錯性和高可用性,而與web技術、 java技術的結合使得基于corba的網絡管理如虎添翼。

Computer network management technology , the relationship between web , corba , xml and network management are also discussed in this paper . by integrating the benefits of these technologies , we bring forward the network management framework based on web / corba / java . this architecture is of excellent characters , such as high expansibility , high retractility , standard interface , multi - planform sustainability 接著又對計算機網絡管理實現技術進行了分析,探討了當前發展中的新技術? ? web技術、 corba技術與xml等技術與網絡管理的關系,從而提出了基于web corba / java的網絡管理框架,該框架具有可擴展性強、高可伸縮性、界面統一、支持多種平臺環境等特點。

In order to supply the main two services ? vod ( video on demand ) and iptv which are used popularly in the application , 8010r & d designed a new streaming media system based on our new operating system named digital organic system ( dos ) with high dependability , high concurrence , low - price - high - efficiency and high retractility as its characters . in our stream media system , there are three important components 當前政府正在大力推廣internet及寬帶網絡,加之正在興起的網絡電視計劃,這些因素極大的推動了網絡流媒體業務的迅速發展。針對目前流媒體應用最廣泛的視頻點播和在線直播服務, 8010實驗室自主研發了具有高可靠性、高并發性、高性價比及高伸縮性的數字有機體流媒體播放系統。

Giant magnetostrictive material ( tb0 . 27dy0 . 73fe1 . 93 ) is a new kind of intelligent material . it has the following virtues : good magnetic retractility , rapid response , and high energy density , so it is widely applied in nanometer actuator , sensor and many other domains 超磁致伸縮材料( tb0 . 27dy0 . 73fe1 . 93 )是一種新型的功能材料,磁致伸縮應變大、響應速度快、能量密度高等是該類材料的顯著特點,因其優異的性能、被廣泛應用于納米驅動器和傳感器等領域。

Currently , the architecture of the library management software is in the form of c / s , although it is more mature with the development of these years , it still has obvious shortcoming , such as the cost of client maintain is high , the ability of striding platform and the retractility are weak 摘要目前,圖書館管理軟件的體系結構為c / s模式,這種模式經過幾年的發展已比較成熟,但其缺陷也很明顯,客戶維護運行成本高,跨平臺及伸縮性差。

In the process of developing the application , the efficient and retractility of the distributed application is also took into account . 6 ) at last , the thesis prospects the future of middleware according to the development of application software , and account for some deficiencies in the research 6 )在論文結尾,作者根據當前應用軟件技術的發展,展望基于中間件的應用前景,并對本文研究中還存在需要改進的地方進行了說明。

In order to support large - scale workflow management under the inter - enterprise isomerous computing environment , the capability of current workflow management system should be extended in different aspects to improve system reliability , retractility and security 為了支持跨企業的異構計算環境下大規模工作流管理,現有工作流管理系統( wfms )的能力必須從多個不同的方面加以擴展,以提高系統的可靠性、可伸縮性及容錯能力等。

With the appearance of component object mode , it is possible to realize the multi - tier application system , which can easily handle the problems appeared in the 2 - tier architecture , such as poor maintainability and security , high cost , weak retractility and so on 組件對象模型的出現使多層的分布式應用系統成為了可能,從而較好地解決了兩層客戶端/服務器結構中存在的維護性差、安全性差、運行成本高和不可伸縮等問題。

Therefore , the whole development of market , network and economy need enterprise modeling tools to satisfy such requirements : sharing resource , extending platform , long distance maintenance , easy operation , strong retractility and so on 總體來說,這樣的市場化,網絡化,全球化背景對企業建模工具提出了如下要求:資源共享、跨平臺、遠程維護、易操作、伸縮性強。

Koal attribute registration product has strong retractility for running as an individual product , or running with the application system after customization , or putting into the aa product of the third party 格爾屬性注冊產品具有很強的伸縮性,可以獨立作為產品運行,也可以經過定制與應用一起運行,也可以接入第三方的aa產品。

Wavelet analysis because of its good retractility has become an advantaged tool in signal analysis field . we provide a new valid way for studying the echolocation calls of bat by using this tool 而小波分析則突破了傳統的傅立葉分析方法,利用其在時域和頻域上同時具有的良好的局部性,成為信號分析的一個有利的工具。

Compared to c / s technique , the distributed search mechanism of p2p has many advantages such as better retractility , stronger robustness , higher efficiency of using resource , less investment and so on 相對于c / s技術, p2p的分布式搜索機制具有可伸縮性好、健壯性強、資源的利用率較高、節省投資等優點。

Our platform has an advantage over the other workflow management systems in the aspects of supporting large - scale applications , retractility usability and expansibility 并使該工作流平臺具備支持大規模應用、伸縮性良好、高可用性及方便的擴展性等重要特點。

The tree - shape hiberarchy strict designed ensure the retractility , robustness , real - time , security , usability and so on 嚴格設計的樹形層次結構保證了系統的可伸縮性、魯棒性、實時性、可擴展性、安全性與可用性等。

This architecture is of excellent characters , such as high expansibility , high retractility , standard interface , multi - platform sustainability 該模型具有可擴展性、可伸縮性、界面統一、支持多種平臺環境等特點。