
retractation n.1.(意見等的)取消,撤回。2.縮進;縮回。3.【拓...


Do you insist on this retractation so far as to kill me if i do not make it , although i have repeated more than once , and affirmed on my honor , that i was ignorant of the thing with which you charge me , and although i still declare that it is impossible for any one but you to recognize the count of morcerf under the name of fernand ? 我已經不止一次地反復向你闡明,而且用我的人格向你擔保,對你攻擊我的這件事情我壓根一無所知。我還可以向你申明,除了你以外,誰都不可能認為弗爾南多那個名字就是馬爾塞夫伯爵。在我作了這樣的聲明以后,你是否還堅持要我更正,而且如果我不更正,就要和我決出生死? ”

“ well , “ said albert in a determined tone , “ you see that your paper his insulted a member of my family , and i insist on a retractation being made . “嗯, ”阿爾貝以堅定的口氣說, “你看,你的報紙侮辱了我家里的一個人,我堅決要求予以更正。 ”

“ come , “ said he , “ this matter will want a good deal of talking over ; a retractation is always a serious thing , you know “我說, ”他說, “這件事情,需要好好地談一談,更正一段消息。向來都是一件非常要緊的事,你知道。