
retractable adj.1.能縮進的;伸縮自如的。2.可取消的,可撤回的...


With a view to providing better service and facilities to the customers , this new mobile post office has adopted a new design and equipped with a tropical roof , a lcd monitor for displaying public notices , an electronic weight as well as a retractable canopy providing protection against sunlight and rain for customers in front of the counters 新流動郵政局設計新穎,除隔熱車頂、液晶體公告顯示屏、電子磅外,還附設伸縮檐篷,使柜位前的顧客免受日曬雨淋之苦,務求為市民提供更周全的服務和設施。

The 3 - tied c / s equals to adding a new logical tier ? pplication tier between client tier and server tier . which makes the business logic separated out from client tier , and then merges storage procedure in database to form application tier . the application tier can decrease the code quantity in client , and focus to manage the business logic . therefore , the multi - tier system must has the following features : distributed , well - scaled , retractable and secure 三層的體系結構也就是在在客戶端和服務器端之間加入了一個新的邏輯層?應用層,把客戶端的業務邏輯獨立出來,并與數據庫中的存儲過程合并在一起,構成應用層,以緩和客戶機或數據庫上的代碼膨脹,集中管理業務邏輯,使系統具有良好的伸縮性、穩定性和安全性等特點。

Wallet with retractable id sleeve , id slot with monofilament window , internal key holder slot , three horizontal and three vertical card slots , extra storage slot , bill compartment with divider , quilted accent with heavy - gauge thread on exterior leather , embroidered icon , and metal bar logo accent 錢包與可撤回的身份證袖子,身份證槽孔與單絲窗口,內部關鍵囤戶槽孔,三個水平和三個垂直的卡片槽,額外存貯槽孔,票據隔間以分切器,縫制了口音與重測量螺紋在外部皮革、被繡的像,和金屬棒商標口音。

In addition to basements , the firm commonly instals retractable roofs to cover garden space in cold weather ; hidden rooftop terraces ; home cinemas with auditorium seating , and , if there is space , the almost obligatory 20m - basement swimming pool 除了地下室以外,該公司通常為花園安裝可收放頂棚,這樣就可以在寒冷天氣里遮蓋花園的空間;隱蔽的屋頂露臺;配備禮堂座席的家庭影院;此外,如果有著足夠的空間, 20米的地下游泳池幾乎是必不可少的。

It can accommodate more than 83 , 000 spectators . the newly refurbished paddock , with an all - weather retractable top , was just completed in november 2004 . it can accommodate about 5 , 000 spectators , which is double from before the refurbishment 現時設有全天候開合式上蓋的馬匹亮相圈更是剛于二零零四年十一月重建完畢,重建后可容納約5 , 000名觀眾,較重建前可容納的觀眾數目高出一倍。

Installation of a new retractable telescopic seat riser system with 3 , 200 seats in hall 3 , the centre s popular entertainment venue , to provide concert audiences with additional comfort and improved sightlines ( mar 2003 ) 于會展中心的展覽廳3裝設了一臺可自動伸縮的梯階座位設備,可提供3 , 200個座位,并能增加觀眾在此觀賞節目的舒適感和拉近視線距離。

Meters inclusive of exhibition area , is another well - appointed setting for high - powered meetings and banquets of any theme . the main hall is very flexible use and can be divided into two sections by a retractable partition 最新落成的中華廳總面積達1600平米含展覽區域,最大可容納近千人同時就餐或八百人教室形式會議。

The product range includes retractable awnings , french awnings , designed awnings , roller type canopies , foldable tents , construction canopies , carports , umbrellas and screens 產品包括折臂遮陽篷方角遮陽篷廣告設計遮陽篷天幕易折合遮陽篷太空架汽車遮陽篷太陽傘防球網及垂直布帳等。

Later he was awarded a $ 600 , 000 grant to commercialize the production of one of his retractable syringe designs and to produce 10 , 000 samples for clinical trials 后來,他獲得了600 , 000美元基金資助,用來將他的一種拉回式注射器設計的生產商品化,及生產10 , 000支樣品用于臨床試驗。

It created lots of top - ranking technologies and inventions : the flight recorder ( black box ) for aircraft , the retractable seat belt for cars , the heart pacemaker and cardiopulmonary etc 明大進行過人類歷史上首例成功的開心手術;擁有世界上最大的腎臟移植機構;明大的科學家培育

We specialize in manufacturing and distributing canopies , retractable awnings , free - standing sunshades , awning components , awning accessories and fabrics 我們專門從事生產和分銷扇型遮陽篷、伸縮型遮陽篷、折合式遮陽篷、遮陽篷組件、遮陽篷配件及遮陽篷帆布等產品。

Famous for its retractable roof , skydome is home to the toronto argonauts football team and the toronto blue jays baseball team , 1992 and 1993 world series champions 這是世界著名雕塑家亨利摩雷henry moo re的作品,名字就叫“兩大塊物件” large two forms 。

In order to solve these problems , the new model of network management system should be transplantab inter - operating - . retractable and available 要克服以上問題,新一代網絡管理系統必須具備開放系統的可移植性、可互操作性、可伸縮性和易獲得性等特征。

We thus arrive at the serious biological paradox flippantly termed the rrr dilemma : nature ' s failure to produce rats with retractable roller skates 這樣,我們便得出了一個被戲稱為rrr的嚴肅的生物學悖論:大自然未能產生出有可伸縮的滑輪溜冰鞋的老鼠。

All the main parts of the airplane were located in the front part of the tubby fuselage , the fuel tank and retractable landing gear were right under the pilot 飛機的所有主要的部件位于桶狀機身的前部,燃料箱和可收放的起落架位于飛行員下面。

Our canopies , retractable awnings and other sun protection systems add functional and aesthetic value to home and commercial organizations 我們的扇型遮陽篷、伸縮型遮陽篷及其他遮陽系統,定會為您的家居和商業建筑增加功能價值及美學價值。

This is a retractable blade attached at the forearm that juts out where altair ' s left ring finger used to be 這是一把可伸縮的刀,其伸縮開關附著在左手前臂,以替代無名指使用,主角用小指的拉環來控制刀的彈出(原理請看圖二) 。

Appropriate adjustable systems include sliding screens , louvre screens , shutters , retractable awnings and adjustable external blinds 適合的可調節系統包括:水平滑動屏風式,天窗式遮陽棚,曲臂遮陽棚和可調節式外遮陽百葉。

A new hk $ 10 million world - class and state - of - the - art telescopic riser seating system is one of the world s largest retractable telescopic seating systems 香港會議展覽中心添置全球其中一臺最大型的可自動伸縮梯階座位