
retract vt.縮進。 A cat retracts its cl...


Note : this item is non - refundable and cannot be retracted once it is confirmed and charged 注意:此貨品一經確定及過數,均不能撤回或退款。

After each retract 每次退刀之后

Before each retract 每次退刀之前

If this angle is exceeded , the monitor may not open up or retract properly 如果超過這一角度,監視器可能不能正常打開或收回。

All retracted bidders 所有撤回競投者

Can i retract my bid 可以撤回競投嗎?

So you can ' t retract , 那你還能免遭一劫

To retract a solution from being available to sharepoint sites , run 若要讓sharepoint網站無法再繼續使用某個方案,請執行

Brake pedal retracting spring 閘踏板拉簧

Let things take their course ; perhaps you may not have to retract . 但讓事情去自然發展吧,或許首先撤退的并不是您。 ”

“ yes , if you will not consent to retract that infamous calumny . “是的,如果你不答應更正那些有損名譽的誹謗之言。 ”

Clicking the tack icon retracts the window into a tab on the left margin 單擊丁字圖標會將窗口收回到左邊的選項卡中。

Such a discovery was first announced , and then retracted , some years ago 這個發現早在幾年前就被發布,但后來被收回。

Retrac retract or retractor 回收或收縮裝置

Therefore i retract , and i repent in dust and ashes . 伯42 : 6因此我厭惡自己、自己或作我的言語在塵土和爐灰中懊悔。

Q . is there any way to retract a candidate submission or resubmission 是否有方法撤消一個候選點的上報和第二次上報嗎

I ' m glad to hear it . retract landing gear and climb to 5000 feet . . 很高興你這么說,收回起落架,升到5000英尺高度

I ' m giad to hear it . retract ianding gear and ciimb to 5000 feet . . 很高興你這么說,收回起落架,升到5000英尺高度

I ' m glad to hear it . retract landing gear and climb to 5000 feet 很高興你這么說,收回起落架,升到5000英尺高度