
retrace vt.1.折回,折返,退回。2.探源,調查追溯。3.回想...


They retraced their steps , but it was half an hour before they stood without the entrance - gate as earlier 他們又邁開了往回走的腳步,走了半個小時,才走到他們先前路過的柵欄門外。

I returned , sought the sponge on the washstand , the salts in my drawer , and once more retraced my steps 我回到房間,從臉盆架上找到了海綿,從抽屜里找到了食鹽,并順原路返回。

The toad retraced his weary way on foot , and related his disappointing experiences to the water rat once more 蟾蜍沒精打采地走著回去,又一次把這令人失望的經歷告訴河鼠。

So david ' s young men retraced their way and went back ; and they came and told him according to all these words 撒上25 : 12大衛的仆人就轉身、從原路回去、照這話告訴大衛。

From october 2003 peak to july 2004 low price only retraced 38 % of that sell - off 從03年10月份市場所創的高點到04年7月份市場所創的低點,價格在那次拋售中只回調了38 % 。

Two columns of vehicles , one french and one american , retraced the soldiers ' journey into the capital 來自法國和美國的兩列車隊沿著當年軍隊進入巴黎的路線開進巴黎。

So i drove back to the town and began to retrace the route , taking frequent glances at the map 因此,我驅車返回那座城鎮,并開始重新按路線走,同時頻頻地看著地圖。

As soon as they realized that they were going in the wrong direction , they put about and retraced their path 他們一發覺正在朝著錯誤的方向前進,就馬上折回原路。

The driver waits for the vertical retrace period the runtime will beam trace to prevent tearing 驅動程序需要等待垂直回描周期(運行庫將實施跟蹤以防止脫節) 。

I dropped my keys and had to retrace my steps for nearly a mile before i found them 我把鑰匙丟失了,結果只得順原路折回,走了差不多一英里才找到。

In the final parts of this thesis , the author retraces back to this system and draws a conclusion 最后則就該論文研制的測試系統進行了小結。

The museum retraces the history of the relationship between the united states and morocco 此博物館在探源美國與摩洛哥的關系之歷史。

My leader also stopped , and was so kind as to allow me to retrace my steps 和善的夫子同我站在一塊不動,而且允許我往后退回一些。

Recall the route you have covered and retrace your steps to your original position 設法記憶曾經過之途徑,并經原路折回起點。

1 . common type 2 . retrace type 1普通式

He retraced his steps 他按原路折回。

If get lost in the mountain , retrace your steps along the original route 如在山野間迷途,應選擇原路折返,切勿強行前進

When in doubt , i find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin 要是有疑問,先回想一下我的足跡是比較明智的

To answer these questions requires a retracing of historical developments 在此須往溯此段史實,以明其來龍去脈。