
retouch vt.,n.1.再碰[接]觸。2.潤色,修飾,修改(文章...


I brushed adele s hair and made her neat , and having ascertained that i was myself in my usual quaker trim , where there was nothing to retouch - all being too close and plain , braided locks included , to admit of disarrangement - we descended , adele wondering whether the petit coffre was at length come ; for , owing to some mistake , its arrival had hitherto been delayed 我梳理了阿黛勒的頭發,把她打扮得整整,我自己穿上了平時的貴格會服裝,知道確實已經沒有再修飾的余地了一切都那么貼身而又樸實,包括編了辮子的頭發在內,絲毫不見凌亂的痕跡我們便下樓去了。阿黛勒正疑惑著,不知她的petit coffre終于到了沒有。

The extensive offerings of shiny s incremental digital service encompasses nearly every part of daily life , such as reversal film treatment , greeting cards , reproducing photos , printing name cards , retouching old photos , photos special treatment , certificate reproductions , the utilization of special adhesives and even customized gift making 正申的數碼增值服務內容廣泛涵蓋了生活中的方方面面,例如反轉片制作各種賀卡制作照片名片制作舊照片翻新照片特殊處理證件照輸出特色不干膠甚至特色禮品的制作。

She says : “ as the years go by you do feel less confident about your body . i know that sounds bizarre coming from a woman who ' s photographed half - naked in bikinis , but i feel selfconscious posing for those pictures and they ' re all retouched anyway . 我知道,這話出自一個常常身著暴露的比基尼服裝拍攝大幅照片的女人,可能會讓人聽起來感覺有些奇怪,但是當我在為拍攝這些照片而擺姿勢的時候,我確實感覺有些尷尬不適。

In short , you won t see any exceptionally original or new ideas in this film , but you also won t be disappointed , since the two directors were able to refine and retouch their existing skills and techniques brilliantly . this film has an extravagant cast 不過此片劇情本身已經很單薄,沒有像《蜀》一樣出現本末倒置的弊端,因為此片的原著本身就是建基在電腦游戲之上,本和末都是視覺效果和打斗,故事不是重點。

In short , you won t see any exceptionally original or new ideas in this film , but you also won t be disappointed , since the two directors were able to refine and retouch their existing skills and techniques brilliantly . this film has an extravagant cast 不過此片劇情本身已經很單薄,沒有像蜀一樣出現本末倒置的弊端,因為此片的原著本身就是建基在電腦游戲之上,本和末都是視覺效果和打斗,故事不是重點。

Note : as this programme has been produced for a number of years , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements and editing are necessary to ensure the picture and sound quality of the vcd 注:由于母帶已制作經年,故在制作vcd的過程中,必須進行調色重新配樂及剪輯等后期工作。但所有后期工作均在有必要的情況下進行,并以不影響劇情為原則。

Note : as this programme has been produced for a number of years , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements an editing are necessary to ensure the picture and sound quality of the vcd 注:由于母帶已制作經年,故在制作vcd的過程中,必須進行調色重新配樂及剪輯等后期工作。但所有后期工作均在有必要的情況下進行,并以不影響劇情為原則。

Waxes for leather retouching : it is made by waxes amidated technology , which not only improve leather surface gloss and also reform leather flexible property , and it has good compatibility with other material 皮革涂飾用蠟:本產品采用蠟的酰胺化技術,不僅明顯提高皮革表面的光澤度,還有效改善皮革的柔韌性能,與其他潤飾或著色材料相容性極佳。

Emulsion waxes for leather care : the product adopts carnauba wax as main ingredient on leather with function of protect of excellent polishing , retouching , moisture - proof and waterproof 皮革護理用乳化蠟:本產品是以卡那巴蠟為主要原料配制成的乳狀液,在皮革護理方面,具有極佳的上光,潤飾,防潮及防水作用。

Note : as this programmed has been produced for a number of years , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements an editing are necessary to ensure the picture and sound quality of the vcd 注:由于母帶已制作經年,故在制作vcd的過程中,必須進行調色、重新配樂及剪輯等后期工作。

Note : as this programme has been produced for a number of years , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements and editing are necessary to ensure the picture and sound quality of the vcd 注:由于母帶已制作經年,故在制作vcd的過程中,必須進行調色、重新配樂及剪輯等后期工作。

Note : as this programme has been produced for a number of years , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements an editing are necessary to ensure the picture and sound quality of the dvd 注:由于母帶已制作經年,故在制作dvd的過程中,必須進行調色、重新配樂及剪輯等后期工作。

Note : as this programme has been produced for a number of years , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements an editing are necessary to ensure the picture and sound quality of the vcd 注:由于母帶已制作經年,故在制作vcd的過程中,必須進行調色、重新配樂及剪輯等后期工作。

This thesis use vc + + and objectarx programming tools to realize the shade and retouch of the simple object in the various illumination , at last use vector to display it 本文通過vc + + , objectarx等編程工具,來實現簡單物體在光源下的陰影與潤飾的生成,并通過矢量線予以表示。

Note : to ensure the picture and sound quality of the vcd , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements and editing have been carried out 注:為保證高質素的畫面及音質,在制作vcd的過程中,必須進行調色、重新配樂及剪輯等后期工作。

With this digital album kit , you can organize your digital photo , retouch the image , add voice or text tag to them . you can even create html album with it 你不光可以用它來收藏數碼圖片,更可以用它來處理照片,合成照片,制作網上相冊等等。

Photodraw allows you to retouch digital photos to fix common problems or apply adjustments to substantially change the appearance of a photo Photodraw可以重新修飾數據照片以糾正常見的問題;或應用調整功能從根本上改變照片的外觀。

Waxes for shoeshine : it can be used on solid and liquid shoeshine with function of polish , protect , moisture - proof and retouching 鞋油用蠟:可用于固體或液體鞋油產品的加工制造,具有上光,護理,防潮,潤飾的作用。

A chef retouchs a giant cake made of chocolate at a luxurious hotel in jakarta , 16 october 2004 10月16日,在印度尼西亞首都雅加達的一座酒店,一位廚師正在為一個巨型巧克力蛋糕做最后的裝飾。