
retool vt.,vi.1.改進[更換較好的]工具,在機器上作改進...


Hong kong s small - and - medium logistics companies are familiar with international logistics business and highly flexible . this , coupled with advanced information systems , gives hong kong companies an edge in directly participating in logistics operations in the mainland . by offering technical and consulting service , hong kong companies can assist mainland logistics enterprises to retool their operations so that they can in turn provide logistics support to companies of different business nature in the mainland and help them sharpen their competitiveness 珠三角有大批內資和外資的中型制造及分銷企業,正積極物色策略性伴及物流顧問服務,香港的中小物流公司靈活性高,熟悉國際物流作業,加上資訊系統發達,香港公司除直接參與內地物流經營之外,有能力通過提供技術及顧問服務,協助內地物流企業轉型,支援內地不同行業的公司發展其物流系統,加強競爭力,可集中力量爭取珠三角的客戶。

The previous great global boom occurred during the 1950s and 1960s and benefited about 300m people as japan and europe were rebuilt following the devastation of the second world war , and the us retooled from a wartime to a peacetime economy 上一次全球大繁榮發生在上世紀五六十年代,日本和歐洲在遭遇二戰蹂躪后的重建工作,以及美國從戰時經濟向和平時期經濟的轉型,讓大約3億人從中受益。

“ this will allow us to retool russian enterprises with technology , boost their production culture and grant them the opportunity to diversify investments and win new markets , ” he said 梅德韋杰夫說: “這樣一來,我們就可以用技術把俄羅斯企業重新裝備起來,促進它們的生產文化,讓它們有機會進行多元化投資,占領新的市場。 ”

Us society is not being reskilled and retooled to stay on top of the emerging environment . they have no experience with the global delivery model . we are masters at it 美國社會的生產技能和生產工具都落后了,無法在新的環境里保持領先地位。他們在全球交付模式方面沒有經驗,而我們是這方面的專家。

People need to understand that thinking is an acquired skill . figuring things out takes practice , failure , retooling one ' s plans , and trying an alternate route if necessary 人們需要明白思考是一種必備的技能。把事弄清楚需要實踐、經歷失敗、修整計劃以及如果必要的話,需要嘗試另一條路。

The offseason isn ' t over , so any thought of “ winners “ and “ losers “ in the category of rebuilding and / or retooling a team will have to wait a few more weeks 非球季的時間即將結束,在重建或改造的任何贏家或輸家將在幾周的等待之后揭曉答案。

Certain entities took the existing species , which was indeed a glorious species , and retooled it for their own uses , their own needs 某些實體獲取現存的物種,這的確是一個偉大的物種,他們按他們自己的用途、需要重組它。

We support the efforts of the un secretary general to restructure and retool the united nations to meet the new challenges it faces 我們支持聯合國秘處長為了重建和重組聯合國以面對新的挑戰而作出的努力和獲得的成就。

One of the most exciting aspects about being on earth right now is that there is a reordering or a retooling taking place in your dna 最激動人心的就是目前發生在地球上有一個重新調整你們的dna 。

For some businesses , this will require retooling their accounting practices and retraining their accounting staff to 對于一些業務,這需要重組會計工作并重新對會計人員進行培訓來進行以下工作:

And we need similarly dramatic changes on the part of developing countries to retool their development programmes 我們也需要發展中國家做出重大的變革,調整自己的發展方案。

With the closing of the saw mill , many workers retooled their skills and moved to service jobs 住在鋸木廠附近的好多工人都得重新武裝自己并出去找工作。

< i > but it ' s not the same bewitched that you remember . it ' s being retooled . < / i > 但這不是你們記憶中的《家有仙妻》了我們重拍了

But it ' s not the same bewitched that you remember . it ' s being retooled 但這不是你們記憶中的《家有仙妻》了我們重拍了

The factory is retooling to start making the new line of cars 工廠正在重新裝備以便開始制造新系列車型。

- all right ! - i retooled your engine -很好-我調整過你的引擎了

Nate all right ! - i retooled your engine -很好-我調整過你的引擎了