
retook retake 的過去式。


“ it would make very little difference to me , “ said caderousse , “ if i were retaken , i am a poor creature to live alone , and sometimes pine for my old comrades ; not like you , heartless creature , who would be glad never to see them again . “我倒一點兒不在乎, ”卡德魯斯說, “即使再被捉去也無所謂,我是一個孤零零的可憐蟲,有時候很懷念我那些老同伴。我可不象你,你是一個沒心沒肺的人,只指望永遠不再見到他們。 ”

The king of israel had said to his officials , “ don ' t you know that ramoth gilead belongs to us and yet we are doing nothing to retake it from the king of aram ? 3以色列王對臣仆說、你們不知道基列的拉末是屬我們的麼、我們豈可靜坐不動、不從亞蘭王手里奪回來麼。