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retirement community (主要供老年人居住的)退休社區。

retirement pay

We have examined two approaches in the planning for elderly facilities , i . e . the “ integrated approach “ and “ retirement community “ . population will expect a more elderly friendly environment and more accessible homes , in terms of housing design , provision of transport 大眾人士普遍預期政府將為老人家規劃更多按其需要而設的生活環境及住屋設施,亦即提供合適的住屋設計及交通設施。

If they are no longer living in the old family home , they are pictured as delighted residents of retirement communities with names like leisure world and sun city , with lots of grass , clean air and fun 假如他們不再住在原來的家里,他們就被描繪成退休老人社區的快活的居民,這些社區有著像悠閑世界、太陽城一類的名字,綠草如茵、空氣清新、其樂無窮。

As to the planning and development of “ retirement communities “ this could be a rising trend in the mainland for some hong kongers , which we need to examine as part of the issue on mobile population 在退休社區的規劃及發展方面,由于本港部分人士退休后移居國內的趨勢涌現,我們必須留意其發展情況。有關研究見流動人口課題。

Before his jersey city appearance , bush made a strong pitch on behalf of social security program before an audience of 300 residents of the leisure knoll retirement community in manchester township 到澤西市巡視以前,布什總統在曼徹斯特鎮休閑山莊退休社區的300居民聽眾面前大力宣揚社會安全計劃。

If they are well - off and inclined to plan ahead , they can enter somewhere like las ventanas , a “ continuing care retirement community ” in las vegas 如果它們富裕而有傾向于長遠打算,他們可以進入拉斯維塔納斯那樣的地方,拉斯維加斯的一個“退休者關懷社區” 。

Provides food and hospitality management services to companies , public agencies , schools , health care institutions , and retirement communities -提供酒店溫泉度假村等的策劃與管理顧問。

If you are only 65 , never move to a retirement community 如果你只有65歲的話,千萬別進退休社區。

Were asked to leave their retirement community 被趕出了退休者社區

Dun flyin retirement community for faeries 在丹恩的仙女隱居社區?

It ' s a retirement community for active seniors 這里是退休老人活動中心