
retiree n.退休者,退職者(=retirant)。


Either “ the car is not pushed simply “ , “ climb to work then again “ , let retiree how spend old age however 不是“小車不倒只管推” 、 “爬起來再接著干” ,而是讓退休者安度晚年。

More opportunity to be with old friends and make new acquaintance new identity with seniors , retirees or voluntary organizations 可隸屬于長?或義務組織并擁有退休人士團體的新身份

Does former trade plan as a whole enterprise due to illness ( incomplete ) ahead of schedule retiree how plan hair annuities 原行業統籌企業因病(殘)提前退休人員如何計發養老金?

United auto workers president ron gettelfinger said the fund should secure benefits for retirees for the next eighty years 工會主席說這個基金應該保證未來80年退休人員的權益。

After implementing system of unified and primary endowment insurance , retire from retiree formerly how does cost do 實行統一基本養老保險制度后,原離退休人員退休費怎么辦?

For many , golf is a boring and exclusive sport played by retirees and business executives 對于許多人來講,高爾夫是乏味的、脫離大眾的,是一項退休者和企業老總們從事的運動。

He express concern that the government may have promised more than the economy can deliver to future retirees 他對政府承諾給未來退休者的金額超過財政所能負擔表示憂慮。

When the fbi investigates the murders , they call in the man who taught hallam everything he knows : retiree l . t 他發現兇手竟是愛徒hallan ,幾經辛苦后, fbi終成功拘留他。

Outside sale representative are frequently home - makers , retirees , or other people wanting to work part - time 駐外銷售代表經常是家庭主婦、退休人員或其他兼職人員。

There are about 60 horses in the school now . some of them are race retirees from the hong kong jockey club 校內共飼養了約六十匹馬,部分更是香港賽馬會的退役馬。

Accordingly , no matter this unit has how many retiree , do not need additionally capture is expended 因此,不管這個單位有多少退休人員,都不需要另外繳費。

Adjust what retiree can enjoy basic annuities according to the regulation normally ahead of schedule 提前退休人員可以按照規定享受基本養老金的正常調整。

After the retiree that does not have unit management dies , how is pay of provide for the aged declared 無單位治理的退休人員死亡后,養老待遇如何申報?

Three retirees , each with a hearing loss , were taking a walk one fine march day 有三個退休的老人,都患有重聽。三月里風和日麗的一天,他們在一起散步。

The programme targets specifically at retirees older singaporeans who are 50 years old and above 這項計劃的主要服務對象是年在50歲或以上的年長人士。

Does the institution change make old - age pension of the retiree after be an enterprise how plan hair 事業單位改制為企業后退休人員養老金如何計發?

Some cynicism here : “ independent ” suppliers generally retirees from network (一些冷嘲熱諷: “獨立”節目提供者一般都是些從網絡中退下來的人! )

After that , g . m . would no longer have to pay for health benefits for its retirees 在那之后,通用汽車公司將不會為其退休人員的醫療保障金支付費用。

After that , g . m . would no longer have to pay for health benefits for its retirees 在那之后,通用公司將不需要為它的退休人員支付任何的醫療費用。