
retire vi.1.后退,退卻;(部隊等主動)撤退;退去,離開。2...


Retired person can sometimes be the real victims of inflation . 退休人員有時才是通貨膨脹的真正受害者。

His performance as king lear was to be his swan-song before retiring . 他扮演李爾王是他退休前的絕唱。

It has not retired . 它并沒有撤退。

A retired person should not be made to feel he is on the shelf . 不應該讓退休的人感到自己是個閑人。

He retired from the army with undistinguished record of service . 他帶著平凡的服役記錄離開了軍隊。

I was very retired and quiet, and tried to be very diligent . 我常常避不見人,默默不語,刻苦用功。

Peter will take over as managing director when bill retires . 比爾退休時將由彼得接任總經理一職。

There were surprising sides to this retired miner . 這位退休的礦工真有許多使人們意想不到的方面。

“i shan't be very long,“ said miss brass, retiring . “我去去就要回來,”布拉斯女士說著就走了。

The beast retires to its shelter, and the bird flies to its nest . 走獸有穴可歸,飛鳥有巢可住。

The batsman retired hurt . 擊球員因傷退場。

He was silent and presently retired to his cabin . 他無意說下去,旋即回到自己的艙室休息去了。

He sold out his share of the business and retired . 他把公司中他擁有的股票完全出售并退休了。

She retired to the house . 瑪麗只顧躲在家里。

Laplace retired to melun, a small city near paris . Laplace隱居在巴黎附近的一個小城市梅龍。

It was now so late that the family had all retired . 這時,天已經很晚了,這家人早已就寢。

I kept myself, as i said, more retired than ever . 前面已經說過,我比以前更加深居簡出了。

The tiger retired to its den . 那只虎退回巢穴。

He is emphatically a retiring and unassuming man . 他的確是一個與世無爭和謙虛純樸的人。