
retinue n.〔集合詞〕隨員,扈從。


In moscow , as soon as he entered his huge house with the faded and fading princesses , his cousins , and the immense retinue of servants , as soon as , driving through the town , he saw the iversky chapel with the lights of innumerable candles before the golden setting of the madonna , the square of the kremlin with its untrodden snow , the sledge - drivers , and the hovels of sivtsev vrazhok ; saw the old moscow gentlemen quietly going on with their daily round , without hurry or desire of change ; saw the old moscow ladies , the moscow balls , and the english clubhe felt himself at home , in a quiet haven of rest 在莫斯科,他一走進他那棟高古的住宅它里面住著已經憔悴和正在憔悴的公爵小姐及許多家仆的時候,在他駛過全城,剛剛看見那金鏤袈裟前面的無數燭光的伊韋爾小教堂,看見那積雪未被車子壓臟的克里姆林廣場,看見西夫采夫弗拉若克貧民區的馬車夫和茅舍的時候,在他一看見那些無所希冀足不出戶地虛度殘生的莫斯科老人的時候,在他一看見那些老太太,那些莫斯科的太太小姐莫斯科的芭蕾舞和莫斯科的英國俱樂部的時候,他就覺得自己置身于家中,置身于平靜的安身之處。

The retinue of indra consists chiefly of the gandharvas , a class of genii , considered in the epics as the celestial musicians ; and their wives , the apsaras , lovely nymphs , who are frequently employed by the gods to make the pious devotee desist from carrying his austere practices to an extent that might render him dangerous to their power 因陀羅的隨從主要是由乾達婆組成,是一群魔仆,在史詩上被認為是天上的樂師;他們的妻子,一群女精靈,是美麗的少女,經常受雇于眾神去讓虔誠的獻身者停止他某種程度上的嚴峻考驗,從而致使他對他們的力量構成威脅。

This feeling was so strong at the moment of setting out from voronezh that all her retinue were persuaded , looking at her careworn , despairing face , that she would certainly fall ill on the journey . but the very difficulties and anxieties of the journey , which princess marya tackled with such energy , saved her for the time from her sorrow and gave her strength 她的這種感情,在從沃羅涅日動身前的時刻里表現得如此強烈,以致送行的人見她那痛苦絕望的面孔,都相信她會在路上病倒,但正是旅途的勞頓和操心她是以她的干練去應付著的,使她暫時去掉悲痛,并給了她力量。

In moscow as soon as he entered his huge house in which the faded and fading princesses still lived , with its enormous retinue ; as soon as , driving through the town , he saw the iberian shrine with innumerable tapers burning before the golden covers of the icons , the kremlin square with its snow undisturbed by vehicles , the sleigh drivers and hovels of the sivtsev vrazhok , those old moscovites who desired nothing , hurried nowhere , and were ending their days leisurely ; when he saw those old moscow ladies , the moscow balls , and the english club , he felt himself at home in a quiet haven 在莫斯科,他一走進他那棟高古的住宅(它里面住著已經憔悴和正在憔悴的公爵小姐及許多家仆)的時候,在他駛過全城,剛剛看見那金鏤袈裟前面的無數燭光的伊韋爾小教堂,看見那積雪未被車子壓臟的克里姆林廣場,看見西夫采夫?弗拉若克貧民區的馬車夫和茅舍的時候,在他一看見那些無所希冀、足不出戶地虛度殘生的莫斯科老人的時候,在他一看見那些老太太,那些莫斯科的太太小姐、莫斯科的芭蕾舞和莫斯科的英國俱樂部的時候, ? ?他就覺得自己置身于家中,置身于平靜的安身之處。

Every october 10 on the chinese lunar calendar , a grand ceremony was due here in the palace to mark the dowager s birthday . sitting atop a treasure a treasure chair with nine - dragon motif normally only used by emperor , cixi received kowtows of emperor guangxu and the retinues 當年,每當陰歷十月初十,慈禧過生日這一天,這里鼓樂鳴鹵薄儀仗威嚴,慈禧坐在排云殿內的正中九寶座上,四旁香煙燎繞。

In the fray his sons attend him , - terror , trembling , panic , and fear , - also his sister eris , or discord ( the mother of strife ) , his daughter enyo , ruiner of cities , and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons 隨從他奔赴疆場的有他的兒子:恐怖、戰栗,驚慌和畏懼,還有他的姐妹不和女神厄里斯(紛爭的母親) 、女兒毀城女神厄倪俄和一群嗜血成性的魔鬼。

Usually trained and produced by wealthy provinces , gendarmes are representative of the trend in latter medieval times of employing professional full - time soldiers , instead of depending on loyal lords and their retinues and levies 他們通常在比較富裕的省份招募,是中世紀后期使用雇用職業部隊,而不是倚重忠誠的領主和征召部隊的趨勢的代表。

After zi gong became the prime minister of wei , he went , dressed in satin and accompanied by a large retinue of mounted men , through the wilderness to where the poor peasants lived , to visit his old friend yuan xian 子貢做了衛國的宰相后,就衣錦著緞地帶了浩浩蕩蕩一堆人馬,穿荒越野去到貧民戶探望原憲這位老同學。

Still , because we are not on permanent vacation , we have also developed a retinue of guides , drivers and tour companies to assist guests in getting around town 不過,由于我們的假期也很有限,因此我們有時候會請導游、司機或旅行社帶著客人四處轉轉。

Sakyamuni is the buddha in the land of saha ( world of reality ) together with manjusri in the left and samantabhadra in the right as retinues 釋迦牟尼佛為娑婆世界的教主,故居于中;其左脅侍為文殊菩薩,其右脅侍為普賢菩薩。

Because i had something to do separately at work , so there were not retinues that day , the picture offered by mr . cheng and comrade xiao lu 因為工作上另有事要辦,所以那天沒有隨行,奉上的圖片是程老師和小呂同志拍的

Cassini appears ready to explore saturn and its retinue of 31 known satellites over the next four years , perhaps much longer “卡西尼”號將開始長達四年或更久的土星及其31個衛星的探測飛行。

And she came to jerusalem with a very large retinue , with camels bearing spices and with very much gold and precious stones 2她帶著許多隨從到耶路撒冷來,又有駱駝馱著香料、許多金子和寶石。

It was late in the evening as they entered the palace at olmtz , occupied by the emperors and their retinues 當他們走進二位皇帝及其親信駐蹕的奧爾米茨皇宮的時候,天色已經很晚了。

Zhang pulled out his sword . there was nobody in sight but his retinue . he looked at the corpses 張操志拔出佩劍。可周圍除了隨從看不到別的人。于是他仔細地觀察尸體。

Many longbowmen sign a contract of indenture with a captain to become part of his retinue or company 許多長弓手與一個隊長簽訂契約來成為他的常備成員。

He was so impressed by your wondrous palaces that he and his retinue swore their allegiances to you 他被你輝煌的宮殿深深震撼,率領他的隨從向你效忠。

Sab is the most important of queen amidala ' s royal retinue of handmaidens 薩比是阿米達拉女王身邊最重要的宮廷侍女。

Two whole floors of the hotel were booked for the president ' s retinue 旅館的整整兩層都預定給總統的隨扈了。