
retinitis n.【醫學】視網膜炎。


With its low power needs , this silicon retina could pave the way for a total intraocular prosthesis ? with camera , processor and stimulator all implanted inside the eye of a blind person who has retinitis pigmentosa or macular degeneration , diseases that damage photoreceptors but spare the ganglion cells 由于低功率需求,這個矽視網膜可以繼續發展成為配備有攝影機、處理器與刺激器,且可完全植入眼球的人工視網膜,應用在因色素性視網膜病變或黃斑退化而造成感光細胞受傷、節細胞卻仍然完好的盲人眼里。

“ with the hong kong blind union , the hong kong society for the blind , hong kong retinitis pigmentosa society , hong kong council of social services and rehabilitation alliance of hong kong as founding members . the mission of this working group is to give considerations to the blind and the visually impaired , helping them to use public on - line services by the end of this year , at the same time promoting the rights of information for them “特別工作小組,由單仲偕先生擔任榮譽顧問,成員包括香港盲人輔導會香港失明人協進會香港視網膜色素病變人士協會香港社會服務聯會以及香港復康聯盟,以照顧失明及視障人士在應用即將于今年年底前推出的電子公共服務方面的需要,并提升社會各界的關注,共同推廣網上平等資訊權益。

In a series of 30 cases of retinitis pigmentosa , pigment epithelial alterations included mottling of the macula in 8 eyes ( 13 . 3 % ) , bull ' s - eye pattern in 24 eyes ( 40 % ) and atrophy or hypopigmentation in 56 eyes ( 93 . 3 % ) ; macular edema with retinal thickening was present in 30 eyes ( 50 % ) , cystoid macular edema in 18 eyes ( 30 % ) ; broadening or loss of foveal reflex was present in 60 eyes ( 100 % ) , preretinal membrane noticed in 58 eyes ( 96 . 7 % ) and macular hemorrhage in one eye ( 1 . 7 % ) 摘要對網膜色素變性癥的病例30例60眼探討其黃斑部病灶的情形,網膜色素上皮層變化中的雜色斑點病變見于8眼,頻率為13 . 3 % ,牛眼樣病灶見于24眼( 40 % ) ,網膜脫色素病灶為56眼( 93 . 3 % ) ;黃斑部浮腫之網膜增厚為30眼( 50 % ) ,類囊胞浮腫為18眼( 30 % ) ;其它變化包括中心窩反射消失或增寬為60眼( 100 % ) ,網膜前纖維膜為58眼( 96 . 7 % ) ,黃斑部出血和疑似網膜下新生血管各為1眼( 1 . 7 % ) 。

Working with the equal opportunities commission , industry organizations such as iproa , local universities and user groups such as the hong kong blind union , the hong kong society for the blind and the hong kong retinitis pigmentosa society to promote the community s awareness of web accessibility ; and 與平等機會委員會互聯網專業人員香港協會等業界組織本地大學和香港失明人協進會香港盲人輔導會及香港視網膜色素病變人士協會等使用服務的社群攜手合作,以提高市民對網頁易讀性的認識以及

Cataracts , glaucoma , retina deterioration , eye weaknesses , congestion or foreign particles trapped in the eye tissues , radiation burns , “ blood shot ” eyes , infections of the eye tissues ( pink eye , etc . ) , retinitis , conjunctivitis , floaters , granulated eye lids , dry eyes , blepharitis , etc 有效于白內障、青光眼、視網膜衰退、視弱、眼部組織堵塞或有異物陷入、放射線損傷、眼睛血斑、眼睛發炎、視網膜炎、急性結膜炎(紅眼病) 、飛蚊癥、眼皮肉瘤、眼乾、瞼緣炎等等。

In its hard - currency - based health economy , cuba has tried to attract foreign patients from all over the world , who come for the country ' s inexpensive or unique therapies , such as a surgery for retinitis pigmentosa or vitiligo treatment with a substance extracted from the human placenta 在以強勢貨幣為交易基礎的健康產業上,古巴試圖以價廉或是獨特的療法,吸引來自全球各地的外國病人,例如針對色素性視網膜炎的手術,或是以人類胎盤萃取物對付白斑病等療法。

Other non - government organizations , such as the hong kong society for the blind , the hong kong federation of the blind , the hong kong retinitis pigmentosa society and the ebenezer school & home for the visually impaired were also invited to provide comments to improve the web page design 此外,天文臺亦邀請了香港盲人輔導會、香港失明人互聯會、香港視網膜色素病變人士協會及心光盲人院暨學校提供意見,改進了網頁的設計。

Even though he has lost his eyesight at the age of 19 to retinitis pigmentosa . he does not consider himself disabled , but merely must extra spend time dealing with one of lifes little nuisances 雖然19歲時因患色素性視網膜炎導致失明,但他卻不自視為殘障人士,只認為自己比其他人需要花多點時間處理這生命上的小麻煩而已。

The cat , named cinnamon , is descended from lab cats bred to develop retinitis pigmentosa , a degenerative eye disease that causes blindness and which affects 1 in 3 , 500 americans 這只名為肉桂的貓咪,父母都是實驗室動物,先天帶有視網膜色素變性病癥這種病是種會引發眼盲的退化性眼睛疾病,每3500個美國人中就有1人罹患。

For one patient , this was the first time he had seen anything in half a century , after his sight was destroyed by retinitis pigmentosa , a virus that attacks retinal cells 其中一個盲人,自從他的視力被色素性視網膜炎(一種侵襲視網膜細胞的病毒引起的)所損壞后,這是他半個世紀以來,首次有了視覺。

For one patient , this was the first time he had seen anything in half a century , after his sight was destroyed by retinitis pigmentosa , a virus that attacks retinal cells 其中一個盲人,自從他的視力被色素性視網膜炎一種侵襲視網膜細胞的病毒引起的所損壞后,這是他半個世紀以來,首次有了視覺。

The efficacy and safety of foscarnet versus ganciclovir for cytomegalovirus retinitis associated with aids 膦甲酸鈉與更昔洛韋比較治療艾滋病相關巨細胞病毒視網膜炎療效與安全性的系統評價

The trio , who had lost almost all of their vision due to retinitis pigmentosa ( rp ) 他們由于患有色素性視網膜炎( rp )而幾乎喪失了所有的視力。

Posterior uveitis presents as retinitis and vasculitis in the fundus examination 眼底檢查顯示眼球后段葡萄膜炎導致視網膜炎和血管炎

Progress in the research of mutation of genetic intron and retinitis pigmentosa 基因內含子突變與視網膜色素變性的研究進展

Hong kong retinitis pigmentosa society 香港社會服務聯會

Retinitis pigmentosa , or r . p , is a form of retinal degeneration 視網膜炎或r . p是視網膜變性的一種。