
reticule n.1.(女用)網狀手提包。2. 【光學】(光學儀器上的...


Promise , andryusha , she said , putting her hand into her reticule and holding something in it , but not showing it yet , as though what she was holding was the object of her entreaty , and before she received a promise to grant it , she could not take that something out of her reticule 安德留沙,請你答應吧, ”她說了這句話便把手伸進女式手提包里,拿著一樣東西,但是不讓別人望見,好像她手上拿的東西正是她所請求的目標,在她的請求尚未獲得允諾之前,她是不能從女式手提包里取出這樣東西的。

Developing the lithography process models to properly characterize critical dimension ( cd ) variations caused by proximity effects and distortions introduced by patterning tool , reticule , resist exposure , development and etching , they are beneficial to develop a yield - driven layout design tool , the engineers could use it to automate the tasks of advanced mask design , verification and inspection in deep sub - micron semiconductor manufacturing 建立準確描述由于掩模制造工藝、光刻膠曝光、顯影、蝕刻所引起的光學鄰近效應和畸變所導致的關鍵尺寸變化的光刻工藝模型,有助于開發由成品率驅動的版圖設計工具,自動地實現深亞微米下半導體制造中先進的掩模設計、驗證和檢查等任務。

Taking the advantages of standard capacious workshops , well - trained personnel , excellent sales and technique teams , and 15 years manufacturing experience , our company would like to zealously provide the following products , broche box , cloth box , leather box , carton , wooden box , iron tin , arts and crafts box , decoration box , well - paperhanging box , multilayer box , box for foreign trade , present box , tea box , moon cake box , finery box , shoes box , tie box , strap box , arts and crafts paper stuff , sample clamp , photo shelf , reticule , tools box , spare parts box . . 標準寬敞的廠房,訓練有素的隊伍,優秀的營銷與技術人才,十余年生產經驗,熱忱為您提供優秀產品:包裝盒,工藝盒,裝飾盒,精裱盒,多層盒,外貿盒,工藝紙制品,標樣夾子,相架,手提袋,茶葉盒,月餅盒,服飾盒,鞋盒,領帶盒,皮帶盒,禮品盒,錦盒,布盒,皮盒,紙盒,木盒,鐵聽,工具盒,備件盒,紙玩具,工藝紙文具,方盒,圓罐,心形等異型盒子,品種繁多,品質保證,服務優異,歡迎來圖來樣訂制。

One was a woman in a slim black dress , belted small under the armpits , with bulges like a cabbage in the middle of the sleeves , and a large black scoop - shovel bonnet with a black veil , and white slim ankles crossed about with black tape , and very wee black slippers , like a chisel , and she was leaning pensive on a tombstone on her right elbow , under a weeping willow , and her other hand hanging down her side holding a white handkerchief and a reticule , and underneath the picture it said “ shall i never see thee more alas . 一雙黑色的小巧的便鞋,活象兩把鑿子。她正站在一棵垂柳下邊,用右肘斜靠在一塊墓碑上,作沉思狀,另一只手在另一側往下垂著,拿著一條白手帕和一個網線袋。畫的下邊寫著“誰料想,竟是一朝永訣。 ”

Donglun weaving primarily manufactures fine denier high density products that can be used to produce garment fabrics , bags , reticules , sports wear , casual wear , and jackets . our available products are nylon shioze , taslon , shirk , fiber , microfiber , oxford polyester , and glace silk 廈門東綸織造有限公司的產品以錦綸高密細旦品種為主,產品主要有尼絲紡塔斯隆雪克麥克桃皮絨牛津布雙色閃光綢等等。

We mainly produce knitting color printing bag , 3 in 1 composite paper - plastic bag , pa soft packing bag , coated paper bag , opp non - woven fabric reticule , pe knitting reticule and various special packaging bags with high anti - counterfeit technology 主要產品有編織彩印袋、紙塑三復合袋、 pa軟包裝袋、銅板紙袋、 opp無紡布與pe編織手提袋和各種高技術防偽的特種包裝袋。

Having introduced advanced pp sheet material production lines , we mainly produce pp sheet material and pp sheet material series stationaries such as reticule , cd volume , meal cushion , package box , file bag , folder , data volume , etc 本公司主要生產高中檔記事本效率手冊萬用手冊名片冊活頁冊等相關類文具產品,銷往國內各大中小城市及出口國外。

By placing the reticule in the main optical path of the tv tracking lens , it can not only take the place of the auxiliary optical path in displaying line of sight , but also simplifies the structure of the lens 將這種分化板置于電視跟蹤鏡頭的主光路中,用以顯示瞄準光標,可取代電視跟蹤鏡頭的輔助光路,使鏡頭的結構得到簡化。

She took out of her huge reticule some amber earrings with drops , and giving them to natasha , whose beaming birthday face flushed rosy red , she turned away immediately and addressed pierre 她從女式大手提包里取出一雙梨形藍寶石耳環,送給兩頰粉紅喜氣洋洋的過命名日的娜塔莎,之后立即轉過臉去避開她,對皮埃爾說話。

Her portly figure stood erect , with her mighty arms hanging by her side she had handed her reticule to the countess . it was only her stern , but comely face that danced 她那碩大的身段筆直地站著,把兩只強而有力的手臂低垂下去她把女式手提包轉交給伯爵夫人,只有她那副嚴肅但卻俊美的面孔在跳舞。

Now im comfortable , she said , and begging the vicomte to begin , she took up her work . prince ippolit brought her reticule , moved to her side , and bending close over her chair , sat beside her 伊波利特公爵把女用小提包交給她,跟在她身后走過來,又把安樂椅移到靠近她的地方,便在她身旁坐下來。

Hangzhou hengda printing packing co . , ltd . mainly manage in colorful printing , such as color - printed paper box colorized corrugated paper box reticule product sample paint book poster and so on 杭州恒達印刷包裝有限公司主要經營:仿真油畫印刷油畫油畫裝飾畫彩印紙盒瓦楞彩盒手提袋畫冊海報等

Though im sorry to lose you , still the best thing is for you to go , and god be with you . finding what she was looking for in her reticule , she handed it to natasha 即使我舍不得你們,但是最好還是走吧。 ”她在手提包中找到她要找的東西后,便把它交給娜塔莎。

“ wait for me , i will take my work , ” she said . “ come , what are you thinking of ? ” she said to prince ippolit . “ bring me my reticule “請等一下吧,我來拿我的活兒”她說。 “您怎樣啦?您想什么啦? ”她把臉轉向伊波利特公爵說“請您把我的女用手提包拿來” 。

In addition to describing the structure of the reticule , the paper also proposes some appropriate ways for solving the key technology problems in its development 文中對液晶化板的構成作了系統的描述,分析了研制中的主要技術難點,提出了相應的解決辦法。

Being here , you could do no less than show him respect . if he wouldnt receive it , thats his affair , said marya dmitryevna , searching for something in her reticule 得啦吧,他不愿意,是他的事, ”瑪麗亞德米特里耶夫娜在女用手提包中尋找什么東西時說。

The father of my father , our grandfather , always wore it in all his wars she still did not take out what she was holding in her reticule 我父親的父親,即是我們的祖父在南征北戰中都隨身帶著這樣東西”她依舊沒有從女式手提包里取出她手里拿著的東西。

Twenty - five reticules were counted in each specimen and yielded the number of neutrophils in 1 mm2 of the lamina propria ( 0 . 04mm2 x 25 = 1 mm2 ) 在每個樣本里面計算25個小格的數目,然后累加起來就得到了固有層里面1平方毫米的中性粒細胞數目。

He said not a word , however , and miss pross , exploring the depths of her reticule through her tears with great difficulty , paid for her wine 不過,他一句話也沒說。普洛絲小姐流著淚好不容易才從午提包里摸索出了酒錢付了。