
reticulation n.網狀,格子狀;網狀物,網狀組織;(繪畫等的)方眼復寫...


The results showed that the fracture of the tooth - razor was brittle fracture , the material quality was normal , the main fracture reson was that the carbide in the microstructure of the tooth - razor was distributed as reticulation , the brittleness of the razor was increased and the toughness was decreased , so the tooth of the razor was broken by external force when it was working 結果表明,該剃齒刀的斷齒屬于脆性斷裂,主要是顯微組織中的碳化物分布不均勻(呈網狀分布) ,使刀具的脆性增大而強度、韌性下降,導致刀具在使用過程中由于外力的作用發生斷齒。

The history of the development of database technology can be divided into three phases : the first generation is the reticulation / hierarchical data model based on database ; the second generation is the relational data model based database ; the third generation database which has the object oriented character breakthroughs the localization of the traditional database model which is unable to build model based on complex data structure . the third generation has led the database system to a new time 數據庫技術的發展經歷了三個階段:第一代數據庫系統是基于網狀、層狀數據模型的網狀、層狀數據庫管理系統;第二代數據庫是基于平面關系模型的關系數據庫系統;以面向對象模型為代表的第三代數據庫系統突破了傳統數據模型在復雜數據建模和管理方面存在的局限性,使數據庫系統進入了新的時代。

On the other hand , the phenomenon which cac2o4 agglomerates in the self - assembly film of cs is observed by afm . the results show that liesegang loops can be formed from caca2o4 when the concentration of cs is just fit for forming reticulation ( 1 . 0g / l ) . the elementary explanation is presented in this study including electric charge conglomeration and the matching of geometry crystal lattice 用afm研究其形成的凝膠網絡結構,并涉及到這種高分子濃度以及金屬鈣離子對自組裝結構的影響,結果表明當cs濃度為1 . 2mg ml時, ca ~ ( 2 + )能很好的誘導cs自組裝膜的形成,這種自組裝結構會隨時間發生形態學改變,具有不穩定性。

The salt water system drawing for the kowloon south no . 2 pumping station and its reservoir andor the latest planning report would be useful to our understanding of the proposed salt water reticulation to the north of the development area via the pcwa . may we obtain a copy of them 為了解經公眾貨物裝卸區連接發展區北面的擬議咸水管道網,九龍南二號海水抽水站及其配水庫的咸水系統繪圖及或最新規劃報告對我們甚為有用,可否給我們一份復本?

Reticulation materials , weaving materials and diamond knurlings should be indicated completely or partially with continuous thick lines , and should label the techology requirements as shown in fig . 16 機件上有網狀物、編織物或滾花部分,可在輪廓線附近用粗實線示意畫出,并在零件圖或技術要求中注明這些結構的具體要求,如圖16所示。

This thesis , with the characteristic of knowledge in diagnosing and forecasting , adopted a knowledge representation with tree - mode or reticulation which be fitted to inference engine 本文針對診斷和預測知識本身的特點采用了一種適合推理機的樹狀和網狀的知識表示方法。

Note the reticulations of the inner membrane , this serves to increase the surface area of membrane on which membrane - bound reactions can take place 內膜上最顯著的特征就是有許多褶皺,這樣有利于擴大膜的表面積,這里也是膜結合反應的場所。

Design 、 implement and manage process control systems , power reticulation systems and switching techniques 設計、執行、管理工藝控制系統、電網系統和配電技術。

During the course of modeling , a new measure named reticulation approximation is given 在發動機建模過程中給出了一種處理數據的新方法? ?網狀擬合法。

Measurement of three - dimensional forces and displacements for a deformable steel reticulation device 鋼質網狀可變球型機構三維力與變形測量

Produce daily mass balances of secco unit , utility and product reticulations 制作賽科裝置的每日物料平衡,公用工程平衡及產品網的平衡。

Sewage reticulation system 網狀污水渠系統

Sewerage reticulation system 網狀污水渠系統