
reticular adj.1.網狀的。2.【生物學】網狀結締[組織]。3....


In order to direct the water to the forebav of the pump station from the original canal , a channel long 135 m is designed . it crosses through the terrain top with a depth of more than 50 m . soil of the channel slopes is a strongly - weathered silty and sandy mudstone with many well - developed reticular cracks and takes the structural surfaces almost same as the channel slopes 東深供水工程金湖泵站位于塘廈鎮東面,屬低山、殘丘地貌,地面高程22 60m ;泵站前池進水渠橫切山脊,連接原東深供水河,設計開挖1條長135m的進水渠,坡高50多米,邊坡土質為強風化的粉砂質泥巖,網狀裂隙發育,結構面基本與坡面重合;坡體土質中含有較多的粘土礦物,具有遇水軟化的特性。

Because of the reticular interconnections between smgs , it is impossible that a secondary forwarding happens between gateways , therefore the gateway receiving the forwarded message must be able to determine whether the destination address of the forwarded message belongs to a user covered by the gateway , otherwise an error message must be delivered to the forwarding gateway 由于smg網關之間采用網狀互聯,網關之間不可能出現二次前轉,因此接收前轉消息的網關必須能判斷前轉的消息目的地址是否是本網關覆蓋范圍的用戶,若不是,必須發送出錯信息到前轉網關。

Injected group , 0 . 1 % saccharin ( 1 . 5 ~ 2ml / rat , in 5min ) intraoral infused group and cta group . the expression of endogenous leucin - enkephalin ( lek ) in the rat brain was observed and 5 parts of the thalamus including laterodorsal thalamic nucleus ( ld ) , lateral part of mediodorsal thalamic nucleus ( mdl ) , ventroposterolateral thalamic nucleus ( vpl ) , ventroposteromedial thalamic nucleus ( vpm ) and reticular thalamic nucleus ( rt ) were comparatively researched before and after the acquisition of cta applying lek - immunocytochemistry . in behavioral experiment , 18 adult male sd rats were divided into normal cta group ( control ) and 2 naloxone i . p 為探討cta形成過程中enk的作用,本實驗用成年雄性sd大鼠35只,分為空白對照組、生理鹽水( 2體重)腹腔注射組、 0 . 15mlicl溶液( 2體重)腹腔注射組、 0 . 1糖精溶液口腔灌流組( 1 . 5 - 2ml只, 5min )和cta建立組,采用免疫細胞化學方法,觀察了亮腦啡肽( lek )陽性神經元在大鼠腦內的分布情況,并比較了各組大鼠丘腦外側背核( ld ) 、丘腦內側背核外側部( mdl ) 、丘腦腹后外側核( vpl ) 、丘腦腹后內側核( vpm )以及丘腦網狀核( rt )等5個腦區內lek表達水平的差異;另外將成年雄性sd大鼠18只,分為正常cta建立組以及在cta建立前或cta建立后阿片受體拮抗劑納洛酮( 2mg kg體重)腹腔注射組,對內源性阿片樣物質對于cta建立和保持的影響進行了行為學研究。

Analysis indicates the “ low pressure closed reticular flow region “ results in the non - equilibrium of pressure along the primary jet ' s orifice . to obtain as large vectoring angle as possible , the optimal ranges of angles , frequencies , velocity amplitudes , and distances from the microjet actuator to the primary jet exit were discussed . the relationship between the vectoring angle of the primary jet and the phase - difference of two adjacent actuators was analyzed 分析了“拉”模型單作動器模式下,微射流作動器的入射角度、驅動頻率、速度幅值及與主射流間的距離對主射流偏轉程度的影響,并確定了作動器工作參數的最佳范圍;分析了“拉”模型雙作動器模式下,不同的相位差對主流偏轉程度的影響。

Ultrastructurally , karyopyknosis and karyolysis occured in lymphocytes , and the mitochondria , rough endoplasmic reticulum of lymphocytes in the immune organs were damaged . the nucleus were deformity , the rmtochondrial and rough endoplasmic reticulum were swelling , and the ribosomes were shed in reticular cells of thymus in zinc - deficient ducklings 超微結構顯示缺鋅組淋巴細胞核固縮或溶解,線粒體、粗面內質網受損;胸腺網狀細胞核受損,粗面內質網擴張,線粒體腫脹、嵴斷裂。

The result indicated that the nadph - dstained neurons and fibers were found in discrete regions throughout the snake brain , such as cerebral hemisphere , supraoptic nucleus , paraventricular nucleus , subcommissural organ , medial longitudinal fasciculus , periventricular grey , locus coeruleus and mesencephalic reticular formation 結果表明:陽性反應主要位于腦的大腦半球、視上核、室旁核、聯合下器官、內側縱束、室旁灰質、藍斑以及網狀結構等區域,比較討論了與其他脊椎動物的異同。

“ the clinical pattern of numerous small red maculae or reticular erythema and pale maculae in the palms of skin atopic persons may be an additional diagnostic feature and sere as the first clue for the ealuation of atopic risk in indiiduals , iewed in conjunction with the person ' s medical history and the hyperlinearity of the palms , “ the researchers write 臨床上特應性皮炎患者掌部多個小紅斑或網狀紅斑以及蒼白斑可以作為一項新增的確定診斷特征,以及結合患者既往病史和掌紋明顯來評價特應性皮炎危險度的首要線索,研究者說。

Our previous studies confirmed that the central pathway of trigeminal proprioceptive sensation consists of four orders of neurons , and neurons from the first - to the fourth - order are located , respectively , in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus ( vme ) , the dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and its adjacent reticular formation ( vodm - lrf ) , the “ zone - shaped area “ [ including the caudolateral part of the supratrigeminal nucleus ( vsup - cl ) , the dorsomedial part of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus ( vpdm ) , the area ventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus ( avm ) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus ( ado ) ] and the contralateral ventral posteromedial nucleus ( vpm ) of the thalamus . because the pathway is a novel one , there has been little systematic morphological data available so far regarding the neurotransmitters involved in this pathway 該通路中第二、三級神經元所在地分別是三叉神經脊束核吻側亞核背內側區及其鄰接的網狀結構( dorsomedialpartofthesubnucleusoralisofthespinaltrigeminalnucleusanditsadjacentreticularformation , vodm - lrf )和帶狀區[包括背側的三叉上核尾外側部( caudolateralpartofthesupratrigeminalnucleus , vsup - cl )和感覺主核背內側部( dorsomedialpartoftheprincipalsensorytrigeminalnucleus , vpdm )及腹側的兩個分別位于三叉神經運動核腹側和上橄欖核背側的暫命名為avm ( areaventraltothemotortrigeminalnucleus )和ado ( areadorsaltothesuperiorolivarynucleus )的兩個小核團] 。

Traditional breaking system , though is able to meet the national regulation , but due to low breaking efficiency and response speed , complex configuration and reticular pipe layout , hard maintenance and pollution , it has great weakness on safety . therefore , emb - electromechanical braking system is brought forward to solve these problems , furthermore , by integrated through can with other parts , together a chassis control system can be finally built 傳統的汽車制動系統雖然制動性能也能滿足現有制動法規的各項要求,但是總的來說其存在制動效能低、響應速度慢、結構復雜、裝配維修困難、制動管路布置復雜、制動液會污染環境等等不足之處,因此,人們提出了車輛電控機械制動系統( emb - electromechanicalbrakingsystem )以解決這些問題。

Then the applying security of document flow system is analyzed with lotus domino / notes that is a developing platform , researches the security policy in document flow system and put forward f the design idea of reticular formation . the security design of reticular formation is modeled and its points of keeping security are consolidated 然后結合lotusdomino notes軟件開發平臺對公務網應用安全性進行了分析,研究了基于lotusdomino notes的系統安全策略,提出了基于網狀結構的設計思想,建立了網狀安全設計模型并強化了其中的安全防范點。

Destructions of the area of nucleus of solitary tract , which affects bradycardia and sometimes hypotension ; as well as the midbrain reticular formation , which does not show any cardiovascular responses , yielded much less significant effects 這些研究結果除證實了以前所發表有關旁中線網狀核對許多心臟血管系統的生理現象有抑制作用外,也顯示出此神經細胞核對多種活動及行為的抑制作用。

Sleep and alertness are regulated by a complex interaction between the body ' s internal biologic clocks , the reticular activating system , and various influences such as light or anxiety that can interfere with the normal sleep cycles 睡眠和覺醒是眾多復雜因素相互作用的結果,如人體內生物種、腦干網狀激活體系統及其他各種可以影響正常睡眠周期的因素,如燈光、焦慮等。

Methods cerebral blood flow ( cbf ) and intracranial pressure ( icp ) were measured after electrolytical destruction of the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus , the midbrain reticular formation , or / and the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata 方法電解毀損家兔下丘腦背內側核、中腦網狀結構和延髓網狀結構,觀察腦血流量和顱內壓的變化。

The superfical layers of the cerebral cortex , piriform cortex , dorsal hippocampus , amygdal complex , reticular formation of the brainstem contained some neurons with nk3 receptor - li 在大腦皮質的淺層、梨狀皮質、背側海馬、杏仁核、腦干網狀結構等核團內也含有一定數量的陽性神經元。

New york ( reuters health ) dec 22 - a reticular pattern of erythema of the palms is more common among patients with skin atopy , according to a report in the december issue of allergy 紐約(路透社健康欄目) 12月22日消息,據《過敏癥》雜志報道,掌部網狀紅斑常見于特應性皮炎患者。

On the basis of the design idea of reticular formation , the security design of reticular formation is modeled and its points of keeping security are consolidated 在公文流轉系統開發過程中,基于網狀結構的設計思想,建立了網狀安全設計模型并強化了其中的安全防范點。

The mitochondrial in lymphocytes of the immune organs were damaged , and reticular cells consisted of many primary and secondary lysosoms as well as phagocytes in zinc - toxic ducklings 鋅中毒組淋巴細胞線粒體受損,網狀細胞出現大量各級溶酶體、吞噬體。

The nuclei are ooid or round with finely reticular chromatin and rare punctate nucleoli . the cytoplasm is pale eosinophilic or clear 細胞核呈圓形或卵圓形,染色質為精細的網絡狀,稀疏的斑點狀核仁。胞漿蒼白色或透明,嗜酸性染色。

Silver staining is useful for a variety of purposes . here it is used to blacken the reticular fiber network of reticular tissue 渡銀染色有很多用途。這張圖片顯示的是網狀組織中的網狀纖維。