
reticula n.reticulum 的復數。


For example , the signal transduction of g protein - coupled receptor is mediated by g protein and can generate intracellular messages ; there exist some transmembrane proteins in the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum , and some of them are related with the synthesis and transportation of some proteins , while others are related with substance metablism , such as glucose - 6 - phosphatase ( g6pase ) . in addition , after binding with the 7 - tm receptors affiliated to frizzled protein family , wnt can activated disheveled protein in cytoplasm which is essential to embryonic development 如g蛋白偶聯受體通過g蛋白介導產生胞內信使( camp , cgmp , dg , ip _ 3 )將胞外信號傳遞到胞內,從而引起生物學效應;內質網上也存在著一些跨膜蛋白,其中一些與蛋白質的合成及運輸有關,一些與物質代謝有關,如葡萄糖- 6 -磷酸酶。

( 3 ) at post - translation level plant mutual sequence of starting translation aaca and eukaryotic secretory signal peptide sequence was added to 5 ' - flanking region of t - pa gene and kdel ( sequence located to endoplastic reticulum ) to 3 ' - flanking region by pcr amplication and plant expression vector pbemt was constructed ( 3 )翻譯后水平通過pcr擴增的方式在t - pa基因5端添加了真核分泌信號肽序列和植物翻譯起始共有序列aaca ,在3端添加了內質網定位序列kdel ,構建了植物表達載體pbemt 。

During spawning , the structure of oviduct is obviously affected . before laying eggs , there are many secretions in oviduct and lots of microvilli at the surface of epithelial cells . the clear cells contain lots of mitochondria , endoplasmic reticulums and golgi complexes 日本沼蝦產卵過程對輸卵管結構產生顯著的影響,產卵前,管腔內有很多分泌物,管壁上皮細胞表面有大量微絨毛,細胞內細胞器如線粒體、內質網、高爾基體等含量豐富,細胞核形態正常。

In order to explore transgenic plants for production of recombinant scfv specific for presl ( 20 - 47 ) , nicotiana tabacum was transformed with a gene encoding anti - presl of hepatitis b surface antigen scfv and bearing an / / - terminal endoplasmic reticulum protein signal peptide sequence 在用煙草作為生物反應器時,分別將該單鏈抗體靶向細胞質和內質網。經westernblot分析,靶向細胞質中表達時,可溶單鏈抗體最高占總的可溶蛋白的0 . 06 。

Besides fitting the own growth of gonad , the main function of the increase of mitochondria is to provide energy to the synthesis of estrogens , the main function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum is for the synthesis of the steroid hormone 在卵巢分化中線粒體和光面內質網增多,除了適應性腺本身的發育生長外,線粒體的增多主要是為芳香化酶把雄性激素轉化為雌激素的作用提供能量,光面內質網的增多是有利于類固醇激素的合成。

Under high osmotic shock , the size of the cells obviously shrink , so did the chloroplasts , mitochondria and golgi bodies , etc . the membranes of these organelles partially melt with that of endoplasmic reticulum , which makes its surface area increase 在高滲震動下,細胞體積明顯變小,胞內細胞器如葉綠體、線立體、高爾基體等的體積也相應變小,這些細胞器的膜部分融合至內質網膜中,使內質網的表面積增大。

Transparency is unusual because cells have organelles ? internal structures such as the nucleus ( which stores dna ) , the energy - producing mitochondria , and the golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum , which are important in the synthesis of proteins and lipids 透明并不容易達成,因為細胞中有稱為胞器的內部構造,例如儲存dna的細胞核、產生能量的粒線體,以及對合成蛋白質與脂質很重要的高爾基體與內質網。

Both of them are localized within the endoplasmic reticulum ( er ) and possess atp - binding sites . envidence has shown that grps function as molecular chaperones by assisting in the proper folding and assembly of proteins within the er 同時他們又是分布在內質網( endoplasmicreticulumer )腔內的分子伴侶,具有弱的atp酶活性,與atp結合后可以協助新生蛋白質的轉位、折疊以及寡聚蛋白的組裝。

Phylogenetic tree indicates the rab protein may play a role in vesicular trafficking from endoplasmic reticulum to golgi body . two tga in eo - rabl were successfully mutated to tgc by site direct pcr procedure and the truncate eo - rabl was obtained 以此重組質粒為模板進行pcr定點突變,將eo - rab1基因中前兩個tga突變為通用半胱氨酸密碼子tgc ,獲得截短型eo - rab1基因。

But in differentiation of testi s , estrogens are hardly synthesized from androgens , the increase of mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is mainly used in the growth of gonad , so their quantities are less than that in ovary 在精巢的分化中基本上不把雄性激素合成為雌激素,線粒體和光面內質網的增多主要是用于性腺的發育生長,所以數目不及卵巢中的多。

The multivesiculae bodies , as well as the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulums , are considered as the sources of new membranes . mitochondria provide energy not only for the degradation of microvilli , but also for the resynthesis of the photoreceptor membrane 微絨毛合成時的膜源由粗面內質網和滑面內質網共同提供;多泡體也能起膜源作用。

In addition to iel , two types of intraepithelial plasma cells were observed in the intestinal mucous epithelium . one type was with dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum ( rer ) and the other was 在腸粘膜上皮內,除iel外,作者還觀察到兩種類型的上皮內漿細胞,一種為粗面內質網擴張型;另一種為粗面內質網扁囊板層型,提示鱉的粘膜免疫具有一定特殊性。

There are very developed rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulums ( rer ) which was lamellar arrange in cytoplasm of acinar cells and there are much zymogen granules in cytoplasm where approach the lumen of acinus under the electron microscope 電鏡下,胰腺泡細胞內有非常發達的粗面內質網,排列呈板層狀,靠近腺泡腔的胞質中有許多大而圓的酶原顆粒。

It is not know how cuticular waxes reach the epidermal surface from intracellular . the pathway most likely involves endoplastric reticulum , transport vesicles , substrate ligands , vesicle receptors and many other secretory factors 內質網、轉運小泡、配體物質、膜泡受體和其它分泌因子可能參與了蠟質組成成分從細胞內到達表皮的運輸過程。

Signal ( leaser ) sequence a hydrophobic sequence at the amino terminus of a polypeptide chain that targets it for secretion in bacterial or incorporation into the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells 訊息(指揮)序列蛋白質末端的一段疏水性氨基酸,在細菌中引導蛋白質分泌或在真核細胞中將蛋白質并入內質網。

Endoplasmic reticulum ( er ) is a specified membranous organell in eu - karyotes , which is associated with the synthesis of proteins and lipids and also is an important ca2 * pool inside the cell =目的內質網是真核細胞中特化的膜性細胞器,與蛋白質、脂類的合成密切相關,而且還是細胞內ca2 +的重要儲庫。

Signal recognition particle ( srp ) - - a particle composed of proteins and 7sl rna that binds to signal sequences and targets polypeptide chains to the endoplasmic reticulum 訊息(指揮)序列- -蛋白質末端的一段疏水性氨基酸,在細菌中引導蛋白質分泌或在真核細胞中將蛋白質并入內質網。

Endoplasmic reticulum ( er ) a system of membranes forming tubular channels and flattened sacs ( cisternae ) , running through the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells and continuous with the nuclear envelope 內質網:是真核細胞細胞質內的一種管道或扁平囊狀的膜系統,與核膜相連。

A protein that mediates the transport of other proteins across the membrane of an organelle such as the endoplasmic reticulum , nucleus , mitochondria , and chloroplast 一種蛋白質,能作為其他蛋白質通過如內質網、細胞核、線粒體和葉綠體等細胞器官的膜的媒介。