
reticle n.【光學】(光學儀器上的)分劃板,標線片;標線,十字線...


Before more advanced lithography tool is produced , in order to use current tools to manufacture vdsm ic , reticle correction methods such as perturbing the shape ( via optical proximity correction ( opc ) ) or the phase ( via phase - shifting masks ( psm ) ) of transmitting aperture in the reticle are proposed by the industry 在波長更小的光刻系統出現前,為了能利用現有設備解決集成電路的可制造性問題,工業界提出了對掩模作預失真(光學鄰近校正)和在掩模上加相位轉移模(移相掩模)等的掩模校正方法。

In these years , image measuring has been used in every walk of life gradually . this paper discusses the characteristic , the virtue and the application of digital image measuring . in this paper . after analyzing the practical situation and theory , it has confirmed the project that identify automatically the pointer and the reticle of the pressure gauge with technique of optic photographic system , image process and automatic identification 近年來,圖像測量逐漸應用到各行各業。本文討論了數字圖像測量的特點、優點及應用范圍,結合實際情況和理論分析,確定了利用光學攝像系統和圖像處理、識別技術,自動識別壓力表的指針和刻線的方案,解決了壓力表示值的自動檢定問題,研制了一套集計算機、圖像處理和識別、自動控制和光學等技術于一體的壓力表示值的自動檢定系統。

The grating and reticle , which linewidth errors are less than 10 % nominal linewidth , are fabricated by ldw . for the first time metallic mesh film with area 200mm 200mm fabricated by using ldw photolithography and coating technology 本文完成了直角坐標激光直寫光刻技術研究,開展了離焦激光直寫光刻的工藝研究,制作了光柵和網格分劃板,線寬誤差控制在10 %以內。

This paper presents the basic construction and movement rules of the coordinator gyrorotor with reticle of archimedes spiral reticule pattern , also , it explains the principles and methods of dynamical balance to damp the vibration and forced nutation 闡述了具有阿基米德螺旋線圖案的位標器的基本原理及其運動規律,并說明這種陀螺轉子的振動與繞動的平衡原理與方法。

When the width of reticle is less than 30nm , the semiconductor material achieves its physical limit , and it would be happen that quantum effect 刻線寬度小于30nm時,半導體材料達到它的物理極限,就會發生量子效應。

Also , purists should appreciate that it ' s possible to play with the old - school fps view , with nothing on screen but the gun reticle 另外,還可以用第一人稱方式進行,屏幕上只有槍械的瞄準十字線。

Test method for calibration verification of laser diffraction particle sizing instruments using photomask reticles 用光掩模原版校準檢驗激光繞射粒子定尺寸儀器的試驗方法

Reticle rotation error 標線旋轉誤差

Standard guide for calibrating reticles and light microscope magnifications 校準標度線和輕型顯微鏡放大的標準指南

Act of moving a mask or reticle to match up alignment marks 對準,調整掩模和晶片之間的位置。

The integration level lies on the width of reticle 集成度取決于微芯片上的刻線寬度。