
reticent adj.沉默的;愛緘默的;有保留的,含蓄的 (of, a...


The model is based on three premises : 1 ) people have a “ quasi - statistical organ , “ a sixth - sense if you will , which allows them to know the prevailing public opinion , even without access to polls , 2 ) people have a fear of isolation and know what behaviors will increase their likelihood of being socially isolated , and 3 ) people are reticent to express their minority views , primarily out of fear of being isolated 該模型基于三個假設: 1 )人們具有一個“準統計器官” ,一種即使不通過民意測驗,也能使他們知道主流民意的第六感; 2 )人們害怕被孤立,并且知道什么行為將提高其被社會孤立的可能新; 3 )人們選擇沉默,而不去表達“少數派意見” ,主要是擔心被孤立。

Never had he been at such an altitude of living , and he kept himself in the background , listening , observing , and pleasuring , replying in reticent monosyllables , saying , “ yes , miss , “ and “ no , miss , “ to her , and “ yes , ma am , “ and “ no , ma am , “ to her mother . he curbed the impulse , arising out of his sea - training , to say “ yes , sir , “ and “ no , sir , “ to her brothers 他在角落里默默地聽著,觀察著,快活著,只用簡短的話回答她, “是,小姐” , “不,小姐”回答她母親, “是,夫人” , “不,夫人”對她的兩個哥哥則抑制了海上訓練出來的沖動,沒有回答“是,長官” , “不,長官” 。

Jackson is reticent to draw any conclusions from his team ' s solid start this season ? understandable considering the lakers won 26 of their first 39 games last season before losing 27 or their final 43 . “ we are playing better as a team , ” jackson said . “ we just have to play every game and not think about anything else , just what ' s ahead of us 禪師對湖人本賽季不錯的開始保持沉默,沒有下結論?上賽季湖人在前39場贏了27場,但在后來的43場卻輸了27場,所以禪師的態度還是可以理解的: “我們團隊打得不錯,只是我們要每場都打好,而不要去考慮其他的東西,只有眼前的比賽。 ”

“ the british male is either reticent , tongue - tied and awkward , or boorish and crass , and he usually consumes too much alcohol . english male flirting tends to be very circuitous , and involves a lot of insults rather than compliments , ” said fox 凱特表示:英國男人不是沉默壓抑、結結巴巴且笨拙,要不就是粗魯愚鈍,而且通常貪戀杯中物;英國男人的調情方式通常很迂? ,并且帶有侮辱而非贊美。

It was decided that the count must not go , but that if luisa ivanovna madame schoss would go with them , the young ladies might go to madame melyukovs . sonya , usually so shy and reticent , was more urgent than any in persuading luisa ivanovna not to refuse 他們決定,伊利亞安德烈耶維奇不去,如果路易薩伊萬諾夫娜肖斯小姐一定要去,那么小姐們都可以乘車到梅柳科娃家里去。

She had told him she was not now at marlott , but had been curiously reticent as to her actual address , and the only course was to go to marlott and inquire for it 德北菲爾德太太在信中告訴他,現在她已經不住在馬洛特村,但奇怪的是她對自己的真實地址避而不談,現在唯一能做的事只有到馬洛特村去打聽了。

Without new films to generate stories , and with lucas reticent to explore the story beyond return of the jedi or before a new hope , the avenues of storytelling were limited 沒有新電影就沒有新故事,盧卡斯對三部曲以外的時期緘默不談,衍生宇宙書刊受到諸多限制。

The mermaid in the deep sea , it is brilliant that no matter how lights on the bankare . debark , what is done ? is a beautiful one interspersed , or a reticent onlooker 深海中的人魚,無論岸上燈火如何輝煌上岸,去做什么?一個美麗的點綴,還是一個沉默的旁觀者?

She has a crush on the reticent gao yuan . ladybug cootchie teaches her how to win his heart , but the clumsy moon causes a tremendous disaster before she can get his attention 獲小甲蟲葛吱教路闖情關,但是經常闖禍的她,還未闖進二人世界,卻令地球闖出發大禍

Satisfied , happy , deeply touched and visibly desirous to know more about what they had just learned , the guests were reticent to leave the seminar venue 講座結束時,每個人都深受感動,感到快樂又滿足,他們顯然很想更深入了解其中的奧妙。

However , remembering how vital ibrahimovic has been to the title - winning campaign , the bianconeri are reticent to further strengthen their scudetto rivals 然而想到伊布在國際米蘭起的那么大的作用,斑馬軍團不會考慮再加強他們的陣容。

No , not much . nerflin has a reputation of knowing a lot of the goings - on around here , but he has been quite . . . reticent of late 不,不多。眾所周知的是耐法林對于很多事情都很了解? ?這一帶的事,但是他最近變得很安靜? ?沉默寡言了。

When newlywed friends make a public display of their affection , debra wonders why reticent raymond has trouble saying those three little words 當看到別的新婚的朋友當眾表露愛情時, d不知道為什么沉默寡言的r就說不出那三個字。

Before the wedding , the bride would have had a cloistered existence in the women ' s quarters , and so it was natural that she should be reticent 新娘原本深處閨中,何曾見過這麼大的陣仗,保持沈默是再正常不過的反應。

Scientists trying to detect gravitational waves ? ripples in the fabric of space - time ? are a reticent lot 科學家們為了試圖發現重力場波動? ?空間-時間四維結構的扭曲波動? ?的科學嘗試從未停止過。

Never discuss company business and people where strangers can overhear 。 even in private , be reticent 不要在有陌生人能夠無意中聽到的場合談論公司的事務和人員,即使在私下也不應當說。

It is a stereotype as old as time : women are chatterboxes , while men tend to be more reticent 這是一句年代久遠的陳詞濫調:女人愛聊天,而男人則比較沉默寡言。

Confucius said , “ being firm , resolute , simple and reticent is close to being humane 孔子說: “剛強、堅定、質樸、寡言這四種品格接近仁德。 ”

He remained a gangly , reticent figure hovering at the edge of our family life 瘦高而沉默的他,一直徘徊在我們家庭生活的邊緣。