
retentivity n.1.保持力。2. 【物理學】頑磁性。


Dsc for the nanocomposites showed the glass transition temperature ( tg ) of the nanocomposites increases slightly as the mmt content increases . water absorption velocity and water retentivity under pressure tests showed the addition of montmorillonite ( mmt ) can improve the beginning absorption velocity and water retentivity for pure superabsorbent resin 吸水速率和加壓保水能力測試表明,一維納米級蒙脫土片層的引入能在一定程度上提高高吸水性樹脂的初期吸水速度和加壓下的保水能力。

The binders has supper fluidness 、 bonding capacity 、 water retentivity 、 filler properties , no segregation , no bleeding and supper mechanical properties after harden . it is one of high performance concrete . japanese have been researched self - compacting concrete from 1987 , and used more than 1 . 2millions litres 其拌和物具有良好的流動性、粘聚性和保水性,要求填充性能優異,不離析、不泌水且硬化后具有良好的力學性能,屬于高性能混凝土( high - performanceconcrete )的一種。

Having investigated composites of ep coating ultramicro iron using atpu as surface agent , results showed that with increasing amount of atpu , density , complex permittivity ( ) and complex permeability ( ) of composites decreased , and retentivity and coercivity increased 用atpu作表面活性劑制備核殼結構復合粒子時,隨著復合時atpu用量的增加,復合粒子的密度、復介電常數( )和復磁導率( )逐漸減小,剩磁與矯頑力逐漸增大。

Testing of mortars containing mineral binders ; determination of water retentivity of freshly mixed mortar by the filter plate method 對含有礦物粘合劑的砂漿的檢驗.新制砂漿.用濾板試驗

Standard test method for water retentivity of grout mixtures for preplaced - aggregate concrete in the laboratory 在實驗室內進行預置集料混凝土灌漿混合料保水性試驗的標準試驗方法

Water retentivity of mortar 砂漿保水性48