
retentive adj.1.保持(熱等)的,(對…)有保持力的 (of)...


Should the auction of state - owned assets require the evaluation according to law or in accordance with state council provisions , such assets shall be evaluated by an evaluation agency established according to law and the retentive price of an auction target shall be set in line with the evaluation result 拍賣國有資產,依照法律或者按照國務院規定需要評估的,應當經依法設立的評估機構評估,并根據評估結果確定拍賣標的的保留價。

Should an auction target have the retentive price , while the highest bidding price for the auction target fails to reach the retentive price , the price shall not become valid and the auctioneer shall stop auctioning the auction target 拍賣標的有保留價的,競買人的最高應價未達到保留價時,該應價不發生效力,拍賣師應當停止拍賣標的的拍賣。

9 . he ' s as finicky as a cat . 10 . she ' s the world ' s number one fusspot . 11 . he ' s such an anal retentive person . 12 . men don ' t like women who nag . 13 . he ' s penny - wise and pound - foolish 9 .他像貓那么挑食. 10 .她是全世界最吹毛求疵的女人. 11 .他過分拘泥小節. 12 .男人討厭喋喋不休的女人. 13 .他小處精明而大處糊涂

Microbial - retentive membrane filters have experienced an evolution of understanding in the past decade that has caused previously held theoretical retention mechanisms to be reconsidered 在過去的十年中,已經在微生物生長的薄膜濾器方面取得了進展,這使得先前的保留機理的理論受到了質疑。

This case report provided the non - retentive telescopic denture treatment for severe attritted dentition due to parafunctional habits of bruxism and loss of posterior teeth support 本病例討論對于因磨牙與后牙喪失而造成之嚴重磨耗齒列,以雙重冠義齒的治療方式提高咬合高度并恢復齒列外觀。

Though this design was less retentive force than precision attachment of konus denture , the patient was satisfactory with the cosmetic , occlusal , and masticatory considerations 雖然此種設計之固持力不如精密附著裝置或雙重冠,但是病患對于美觀、咬合與咀嚼功能上的滿意度尚佳。

Is all this talk of copyright abuse overblown ? is the perceived need to protect yourself from prosecution just another anal - retentive legal formality 譯:這個關于版權濫用的討論都是夸大其辭嗎?意識到保護自己免遭訴訟的必要只是另一種轉眼即忘的法律程序嗎?

These examples were run on a case - retentive case - insensitive filesystem ; under many systems , you will have to quote “ ls “ to maintain its case 這些例子運行于固定大小寫/區分大小寫的文件系統上;在很多系統下,您將不得不保持“ ls ”的大小寫去引用它。

Creation of water - retentive pavement for city roads and in hibiya park , and spraying of recycled water onto road surfaces 城市道路和日比谷公園儲水設備的建立以及向道路表面噴灑循環水

So , the prosthodontic treatment for severe attritted dentition with non - retentive telescopic denture was suggested 因此以雙重冠義齒做為牙齒嚴重磨耗病患之膺復治療方式是可行的。

Article 50 should an auction target have no retentive price , an auctioneer shall make this clear before an auction 第五十條拍賣標的無保留價的,拍賣師應當在拍賣前予以說明。

A good terminal design will let people have a very retentive memory and stimulate their purchasing desire 一個好的終端設計能讓你過目不忘給人帶來一種強烈的購買欲望。

Article 28 an trustee has the right to set the retentive price of an auction target to the auctioneer 第二十八條委托人有權確定拍賣標的的保留價并要求拍賣人保密。

Testing of building sealants ; determination of the water absorption of backfill material ; retentive capacity 建筑密封材料的檢驗.回填材料吸水性的測定.蓄水能力

Virgos have highly retentive minds and therefore make excellent editors , researchers and teachers 記憶力好使他們能成為優秀的編輯、研究人員和老師。

Majushree confers mastery of the dharma , retentive memory , mental perception and eloquence 修持禮拜文殊菩薩可增一切福德智慧,堅固記憶,令得聰辨。

The measurement of retentive forces in mandibular complete overdenture with magfit magnetic attachments 磁性附著體下頜全口覆蓋義齒的固位力測定

Study on properties of different kinds of water retentive agents and effects on growth of maize 不同類型保水劑性能及其對玉米生長效應的比較

Be retentive of 能保持的