
retention n.1.保留,保持,(意見等的)保留。2.保持力,記憶力...


The retention of data in a storage device 數據保存在存儲設備中的現象。

Pri rubber , raw natural - determination of plasticity retention index 天然生膠塑性保持率

Test method of air retention for tubeless aircraft tyres 航空無內胎輪胎氣密性能試驗方法

Appearance after commercial drycleaning appearance retention 商業干洗后外觀外觀保持性

In addition , avoid using message retention 此外,應避免使用消息保持期。

Those trained at night also had good retention 那些在晚上訓練的也可以有很好的記憶力。

I ' m intent on tentative retention of potential patents 我熱衷于潛在專利權的暫時保留

Small craft - toilet waste retention systems 小艇.衛生間廢棄物的積集系統

Raw natural rubber . plasticity retention index 天然生橡膠.可塑性保持指數

Remembering is the retention of experience 經歷過的事物未逝去的就是記憶。

Small craft - toilet waste retention systems 小型船舶.衛生間廢棄物滯留系統

A research on learner retention and learning support 學生保持率與學生支持服務的研究

Insert retention test procedure for electrical connectors 電連接器.插入保持試驗程序

Air retention test method for tubeless aircraft tyre 航空無內胎輪胎氣密性能試驗方法

Their retention times shall be established and recorded 應規定其保存期限并予記錄。

On title retention in law application in china 論所有權保留在我國的法律適用

Textiles - testing method for warmth retention property 紡織品保溫性能試驗方法

Electric connectors - contact retention test procedure 電連接器.接觸保持力試驗程序

On the retention of cultural image in translation 翻譯的文化適應性原則及其實踐探討