
retell vt.(-told ) 再講,重講,重述;重數;(用不同...


Online story and internet game retelling the classic fairy tale by hans christian andersen . drag - n - drop dress - up games where you dress up the emperor in cartoon costumes -提供各出版社最新消息及活動,并有最新出版漫畫小說武俠科幻的資料及查詢。

Retelling exercise : retell some articles or english stories in our own words . it ' s the simplest and most efficient method of practicing spoken english 復述訓練:用本人的話復述一些文章或英語文故事。這是最簡樸也是最有效的口語學習辦法。

They keep tales of their ancestors alive , retelling them at gatherings to inspire the latest generation to strive for similarly heroic deeds 他們從祖先那里繼承活生生的故事,在加入了了自己一代人同樣英勇的奮斗事跡后再講給下一代聽。

The students talk in groups and explain the cause of the earthquake . and ask 2 or 3 students to stand up and retell 最近發生在印度洋海域附近的地震已經造成了將近至少15萬人死亡,房屋倒塌,樹木道路毀壞,許許多多的人失去了家園。

Poignant , tragic , funny , outrageous ? most of us have at least one story we tell ( and retell ) to explain our emotional bruises 感人、悲慘、滑稽好笑、可惡- -我們大多數人在解釋自己情感挫傷時都至少能講出一個故事。

T : i will ask one student to retell us the differences between british english and american english 檢查作業,教師讓兩名同學復述英式英語和美式英語的發音、拼寫和表達方面的不同,鞏固上節課所學內容。

One day one of his friends heard a horrible episode from an italian and retold the story he had heard to john in korean 一天有位朋友從一位意大利人那兒聽說了一件可怕的事,就用韓語給約翰轉述了一遍。

They ve just come back . “ more visitors came , and the story had to be told and retold for a couple of hours more 來的人越來越多,老人一遍又一遍地對大家講晚上發生的事情,花了有兩個多小時才算結束。

His “ destructive retelling “ is very original and inventive in spite of some weaknesses and biases 胡適在文學史研究中的“破壞性重述” ,思路新奇,見解獨到,框架體例別致,但也存在著諸多空疏與偏頗。

Retell what these people like doing during holidays in your own words with the help of the information above 表格可以幫助學生獲取聽力中的關鍵信息,而跟讀和復述則可幫助學生糾正語音語調和熟悉課文

Who but italo calvino could have selected two hundred of italy ' s traditional folktales and retold them so wondrously 除了卡爾維諾還有誰能挑選出200個意大利民間故事,并如此出色的復述它們?

Cast : kawarasaki chojuro , nakamura kanemon , kawazu seizaburo an iconic directors classic retelling of a legendary talehow much 如假包換的武士復仇,真人真事發生在三百零六年前的江戶

Every time he does something horrendous , think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on 每當他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想你隨后講述這段軼事的時候將是多么有趣。

One alphabet serves all life , but the tale retold in every cell of the body differs from individual to individual 每個符號將使用一生,但不同個體身上的細胞所復制的信息各不相同。

The occasion was a memorable one , and its story is well worthy of being retold in our cycle of historic events 這一時刻值得紀念,而它的故事在我們所有的歷史事件當中也值得重述。

Each book contains 40 to 60 short passages including comprehension reviews and retelling exercises 每冊約包含40 - 60篇短文,文章之后設計評量問答,可作為文章回顧或重述練習之用。

He retells the incident while resting his “ save the males ” coffee cup on a circular conference table 他邊談著這往事,邊把印有救救男性字樣的咖啡杯放到圓形會議桌上。

T : please work in groups of four and find the key words in each group . then ask one student to retell the passage 四人小組活動,寫出每段的關鍵詞,并派一個代表復述課文。

Please work in groups of four and find the key words in each group . then ask one student to retell the passage 四人小組活動,寫出每段的關鍵詞,并派一個代表復述課文。