
rete n.(pl. -tia ) 【解剖學】網,膜層。


Then the arterile eminted intertubular capillaries and peritubular capillaries forming rope - ladder - like pattems . then the venule were collected and became testis veins , then mass into rete venosum , finally some venule formed pampiniform plexus and others entered into varicosity . 3 . changes or testicular microvascular architecture : testicular capillary vessel formed intertubular capillaries and peritubular capillaries . but donot formed rope - ladder - like patterns capillary net in postnatal 3 weeks . there were rope - ladder - like patterns capillary nets around seminiferous tubules in postnatal 3 and 12 months 微血管構筑的增齡變化: 3周齡組睪丸動脈在實質內已形成了管周微動脈和管間微靜脈,但繩梯狀的毛細血管網尚未形成; 3月齡組與12月齡組微血管構筑呈中文摘要現定的構烈特點,在生精小管周圍形成繩梯狀的毛細血管網: 18月與24月齡組蘋丸萎縮,微而管構筑變得不很規則。

The result shows that , when expansion agent is added , shrinkage can he compensated at some extent and crack can be restrained or reduced effectie1y and then the concrete ageing resistance can he enhanced , and under experiment condition , the appropriate mix content of the expansion agent should be less than 6 % , finally , for compensation shrinkage concrete , the restrictive expansion rete should he the primary index 結果表明,加入膨脹劑能補償部分收縮,有效抑制或減少裂縫的產生,提高混凝土的耐久性;試驗條件下試驗所用膨脹劑的適宜摻量應小于6 % ;對補償收縮混凝土,其限制膨脹率應作為第一性指標。

After short introdution about the mathematics model of the semiconductor pressure sensor , it was described that was the holistic design thought of the sensor which reserched into , from the format design , the separated retia slice , sensitive orgen of strucsure and the overall design thought for stucsure point of design 在簡要介紹了半導體壓力傳感器的數學模型后,從版圖、隔離膜片、敏感元件的結構、整體結構等方面的設計,闡述了對所研制的傳感器的整體設計思想。

The paper explores the ai theories of developing the capp expert system , and fixes on the knowledge representation method of production rules , and the new thought of developing the knowledge base and the inference engine in the es tool clips , and introduces the theoretical knowledge of clips . the pape builds up the knowledge base about the process knowledge , invents the inference engine by the theories of control strategy of forward reasoning and rete pattern matching algorithm , with the result of improving the reliability of knowledge , the quality of inference and the efficiency of the searching . using the dynamic interface mechanism and the compiled dll , the paper embeds the clips program into the vc + + environment and carries out the mixed programming so as to achieve the data communication between the vc + + and clips 論文對開發capp專家系統的人工智能理論作了比較深入的探討,確定了產生式規則的知識表示方法和用專家系統開發工具clips來開發系統的知識庫和推理機的新思路。在闡述了clips理論知識的基礎上,確定了以產生式規則構建工藝知識庫,以正向推理的控制策略和里德算法的匹配模式建立推理機,從而提高了知識的可靠性、推理質量與搜索的效率。論文利用windows環境下的動態接口機制,調用已編譯好的動態鏈接庫clips . dll ,把所開發的clips程序嵌入到vc + +中再進行混合編程,實現了vc + +與clips程序的數據通信,成功地構建了capp專家系統。

Compared network matching algorithm ( rete ) with its improved algorithm mathematically , then proposed a method of improving matching efficiency by incorporating multi - agent techniques 4 用數學方法比較和分析了網絡匹配算法rete和它的主要改進算法,并提出利用multi - agent技術的改進網絡匹配算法。

C : we do offer special retes for your vompany , sir . for a twin room there is a 10 % discount . shall we charge this to your colleague directly 本店提供特價給貴公司,雙人房打九折.我們是直接向您的同事收費嗎

We do offer special retes for your vompany , sir . for a twin room there is a 10 % discount . shall we charge this to your colleague directly 本店提供特價給貴公司,雙人房打九折.我們是直接向您的同事收費嗎

Finite element model of nonlinear dynamic analysis for small - size conc rete hollow block masonry 砼小型空心砌塊砌體的非線性動力分析有限元模型

The author studies the calculation of steel in reinforcement conc rete bending member with round section 這種計算方法會造成鋼材的較大浪費。

Rete carpi volare 腕掌側網

Rete forminis ovalis 卵圓孔網

Rete articulare cubiti 肘關節網

Rete malleolare tibiale 脛側踝網

Rete venosum plantare 足底靜脈網

Rete malleolare fibulare 腓側踝網

Rete venosum dorsale pedis 足背靜脈網

Rete venosum dorsale manus 手背靜脈網

Rete canalis n . hypoglossi 舌下神經管網