
retch vi.作嘔,發惡心,干嘔。vt.嘔吐。n.惡心,要嘔時的...


What are the definitions of nausea , retching , and vomiting / emesis , and how are they different from one another 惡心、干嘔、嘔吐的定義是什么?他們之間相互的區別是什么?

The sunlight was too bright and the cabin too smelly - anything could make me retch 陽光太刺眼,艙內氣味太難聞? ?任何一樣東西都讓我惡心。

I ' m retching 我要吐了

Have considerable retching 嚴重的作嘔

It makes me want to retch 這讓我作嘔

Where have you been ? - retches 你去哪里了?

Annie : ah , retched woman ! hang up , jonah ! don ' t listen to her 安妮:噢,陰險的女人!掛斷電話,喬納!別聽她的!

And soon , you and all your retched kind will serve him as well 不久之后,你和你們這幫可憐的婊子也要為他服務

Retching - it ' s horrible , isn ' t it -太惡心了,對吧

I tell them i ' m a twisted , retched child molester 我告訴她們我是一個心理變態的,徹底完蛋的戀童癖

He listened to the starter retching and retching, the racing of the engine, and then the slow decline to silence . 他聽著汽車的起動器干嘔了兩聲,接著馬達發動起來,聲音逐漸消失在遠處。

At such contacts the scale can slide up the asperity, so that the retched mechanism is not operative . 在這種接觸中,鱗片能滑過對方的粗糙表面,所以棘輪機理不起作用。

But at least i had no sooner eaten my first meal than i was seized with giddiness and retching . 我咽下這第一頓食物后,馬上覺得頭暈眼花,連連作嘔。

Henry, who was supposedly retired, also retched at the idea . 雖然亨利名義上已經退休,但他一定也不喜歡這個計劃。