
retarder n.延遲者[器];【化學】延遲劑,阻滯劑。


The effects of gypsum on fluidity of cement mortar and setting time of cement paste are not significant when it used as retarder of cement . whereas , when 0 . 3 % ca - lignosulphonate or ca - solassate added in cement used anhydrite gypsum as retarder , loss of fluidity of cement mortar is rapid , quick setting is occurred 但是,在硬石膏調凝水泥中摻加0 . 3的木鈣和糖鈣緩凝減水劑卻能使水泥砂漿流動度經時損失加快,凈漿表現出促凝現象,發生外加劑與水泥的不相容問題。

It analyses the causes to bright image movement , studies principle to compensate image movement , conforms project to compensate image movement , and designs framework to compensate image movement in the article ; to analyze and design configuration of the scanning mirror , to select matters of mirror and its support structures on the principle of consistent line expansion coefficient ; to ascertain type of moment electromotor by most rotating angle speed and most rotating moment which are required by loads in the period to take pictures , as well as by figuration size of electromotor ; to design retarder according as the electromotor parameters ; to design and optimize lightweighted mirror shapes , because the mirror is key part ; to design flexure support structure , to analyze static and dynamic characteristics of the support structure by name of patran program for validating desig n rationality ; to study function of the scanning mirror electric control system ; to test precision of the system , the results indicate the rationality of design of the scanning mirror system 本文通過分析像移產生原因、研究像移補償原理,確定像移補償方案,并根據像移補償原理設計補償機構;分析與設計掃描反射鏡系統結構,根據材料線膨脹系數一致原則,選擇反射鏡及其背部支撐的材料;由掃描反射鏡在擺掃周期內的最大擺掃角速度確定力矩電機的額定轉速,根據負載力矩確定電機的額定轉距,綜合電機外型尺寸等因素,確定執行元件? ?電機的型號;根據所選電機的參數指標,設計1 : 6速比的減速器;利用patran軟件對掃描反射鏡系統中的關鍵件? ?反射鏡進行輕量化設計與優化;設計反射鏡柔性支撐結構,并通過軟件分析支撐結構的力學特性,驗證反射鏡柔性支撐結構設計的合理性;從原理上研究掃描反射鏡控制系統功能;進行系統精度測試,測試結果表明掃描反射鏡系統設計的合理性。

This article studies the following aspects : 1 , using the general mechanical system simulation software - - - adams to build the virtual prototype of planet - cycloid retarder , performing kinematic and dynamic simulation , analyzing the transmission ratio , transmission error and intervention of the mechanism , and outpurting load of the key pan 本論文完成的主要工作包括: 1 、利用機械系統仿真軟件adams建立了擺線針輪減速機構的虛擬樣機模型,通過對其進行運動學及動力學仿真,分析了模型的傳動比、傳動誤差及干涉情況,并輸出了關鍵機構的載荷時間歷程。

As a kind of cement retarder , normal setting time and good effect for mechanical properties and soundness of cement can be got when adding desulfurization gypsum in cement , so it can used instead of natural gypsum to produce cement entirely , coal gangue is activated and coal ash desulfurized have good active , can improve cement output and also can depress consumption when them be used as mixed material , have well economic and environmental effects 脫硫石膏作水泥緩凝劑時,水泥的安定性、凝結時間正常,可改善水泥的力學性能,完全可替代天然石膏;活化后的煤矸石和脫硫煤灰具有較好的活性,用作水泥混合材可增加水泥產量、降低生產成本,具有良好的經濟和環境效益。

Selection of suitable retarding agent and its addition is particularly important for controlling the setting time of gypsum - based material in a certain rang , meeting the requirement of construction process . though the retarder is widely used , the influence factor , the intrinsic reason that induces the strength drop and retarding mechanism are still studied superficially 盡管石膏緩凝劑的用途廣泛,但是對于它的影響因素、緩凝劑強度降低的內在原因和緩凝劑阻礙石膏水化形成緩凝作用的機理的研究粗淺,認識模糊。

This article uses advanced cad / cae software - - - ug , adams and ansys to build the integrated system platform based on theory of dynamics of multibody system for the purpose of resolving the engineering problems of general retarder design , and analyses the performance of xw - 8175 - 11 planet - cycloid retarder 本論文針對行星齒輪減速機構設計中存在的問題并根據實際工程需要,在多體動力學理論基礎上,利用cad cae軟件ug 、 adams以及ansys構建了集成的系統平臺,并在此基礎上,對xw - 8175 -型擺線針輪減速機構進行了性能仿真。

Based on the analysis of essential performance needs of eddy current retarder , this paper studied the experimental method and the test - bed including ecr system ' s structure , test items and characteristics 摘要本文在分析車用電渦流緩速器性能要求的基礎上,研究車用電渦流緩速器試驗方法,進而研制車用電渦流緩速器性能試驗臺,介紹了車用電渦流緩速器試驗臺的結構、測試項目和特點。

The cooperative environment based on web provides the power support of cooperative design so that the assembly cooperative design of retarder based on vrml together with the assembly - checked of the axes and axletree can be established 基于web的協同環境提供了網絡設計中的協同支持,實現了基于vrml的減速器的裝配協同設計以及軸和軸承的裝配檢測。

To sum up , the thesis mainly anaylses the performance of the aviation retarder spiral bevel gear in meshing , which results provide experiment for the design and improvement of the spiral bevel gear 總之,本文主要對航空減速器螺旋錐齒輪嚙合過程中的齒輪的嚙合性能進行了分析研究,所得結論為螺旋錐齒輪副的設計和改進提供依據。

In this paper the 2k - h type straight tooth planetary gear retarder is taken as an example and a new exhaust algorithm is adopted in computer , and the layout method of the computer program is supplied 摘要以2k - h型直齒行星傳動的設計為例,采用新的窮舉法在計算機上進行設計計算,并給出了計算機程序的編制方法。

Three kinds of grout with phosphate as their retarder are screened out by orthogonal experiment according to engineering requirement . their performance and feature are introduced 針對工程實際的要求,篩選了以磷酸鹽為緩凝劑的3種類型的注漿漿液,采用正交法進行試驗研究,并介紹了它們各自的性能特點。

This robot is a joint - robot like a man and uses worm and worm wheel and harmonic gear retarder in its machine which makes the structure of robot more refinement 機器人采用了關節式類人結構,在機構上使用了諧波減速器和蝸輪蝸桿等裝置使機器人的結構更加精巧。

Electric eddy retarder is a kind of auxiliary braking device which can increase the life of vehicles ' transmitting and braking systems 摘要緩速器是一種輔助剎車系統,無接觸制動方式,通過車輪高速轉動與電磁作用,吸收車輛制動能量,達到減速的目的。

Investigation has shown that the safe and practical retarder could meet the need of braking with city buses , and would become a good research direction 隨著新的自動控制配件面世,使用緩速器將成為汽車制動方式的一個重要發展趨勢。

The paper studies on the principal technologies on coal desulfurization and retardant mechanism of cement retarder and active mechanism of cement mixed material 摘要介紹了煤炭脫硫產物和它們作水泥緩凝劑、水泥混合材的研究。

The first important thing in experiment is the material we choose . we use quartz and stretched polymer retarder sheets in our experiment 實驗中首要的一點是選擇合適的材料,這里選用石英晶體和拉伸聚酯薄膜為材料。

Iodine derivatives are ineffective since they tend to form molecular iodine which is a powerful retarder < uk >碘的衍生物是無效的。因為它有形成分子碘的傾向,而是強的阻聚劑。 < / uk >

Iodine derivatives are ineffective since they tend to form molecular iodine which is a powerful retarder 碘的衍生物是無效的。因為它有形成分子碘的傾向,而?是強的阻聚劑。

On the electromagnetism theoretical basis , the retarder is developed as an auxiliary braking system for vehicles 緩速器今后將成為長途車輛和公交車上必備的安全裝置。