
retardation n.遲延,推遲,遲滯;阻礙;遲延程度,妨礙量;【物理學】...


Protective effect of basic fibroblast growth factor in the brain of fetal rats with intrauterine fetal growth retardation 堿性成纖維細胞生長因子對宮內生長受限胎鼠腦保護作用的研究

A new explanation of the retardation of universities ' specialties setup and enrollment from a perspective of new institutional economics 高校專業設置和招生滯后的新制度經濟學解釋

Coal mine equipment . flame retardation conveyor belts with steel cord for underground and for above ground . specifications 采煤設備.井下和井上用鋼絲簾線胎體防火輸送帶.規范

The probe to the relationship between the intelligencequotient and social adaptive capacitv in mental retardation dignosis 智商與社會適應能力在智力低下兒童診斷中關系的探討

Retardation of development and progression of coronary atherosclerosis : a new indication for calcium antagonists 遲滯冠狀動脈粥樣硬化的進展:鈣拮抗劑的一個新的指征?

Besides , the determination of retardation value is given using mathematical method and physical sense 此外,還給出確定偏振干涉濾光片延遲量的數學方法和物理意義。

Adaptive behavior and intelligence are the two criteria for diagnosing and classifing people with mental retardation 適應行為與智力是診斷智力落后的兩個標準。

Thyroid dysfunction can manifest in growing children too in the form of mental and physical retardation 甲狀腺機能障礙在成長兒童中也表現為身體和大腦發育遲緩。

Mental retardation , and disorders of psychological development with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence 精神發育遲滯與童年和少年期心理發育障礙

The material retardation is one of the most important issues in the injury determination of antidumping 摘要實質性阻礙是反傾銷損害認定中的重要問題之一。

Multivariant analysis of influential factors during pregnant and puerperal period to childrens mental retardation 孕產期影響兒童智力低下因素的多元分析

4 low gas - introducing and retardation capability to meet the requirement of long - distance transportation 該系統是才用低溫熱水地面輻射技術來實現供暖。

Advance in research on effect of sports activities on intellectuality of mental retardation children review 體育活動對智力落后兒童智力影響的研究進展

Conveyor belts ; flame retardation ; specifications and test method iso 340 : 1988 ; german version en 20340 : 1993 輸送機皮帶.阻燃性.規范和試驗方法

Performances of binomial forced - choice digit memory test in patients with mental retardation 精神發育遲滯患者二項必選數字記憶測驗的結果分析

A case study on rehabilitation strategies for hearing - impaired children with mental retardation 腦發育遲緩聽障兒童的康復教育對策個案討論

Autistic intelligence varies widely , from severe retardation to savant syndrome 自閉癥患者的智力差異甚廣,從極度遲鈍到學者癥候群不等。

Fast retardation axis 快速延遲軸

The study on correlativity between mental retardation and chromosome fragile site 精神發育遲滯者與染色體脆性部位相關性的研究