
retaliatory adj.報復(性)的。


And in really difficult cases , the only remedy they may get is in the form of permission to retaliate against the erring country . obviously , such a remedy is impractical , because a developing country will naturally hesitate to take retaliatory action against a developed country in view of the economic and political costs involved . moreover , even if the remedy is available , it is usually through corrective action by the erring country after approval of the panel report by the dispute settlement body 但是投訴方勝訴后得到的救濟通常是在爭端解決機構同意了專家組的報告以后讓被指控的當事方糾正與協議不符的措施,對于這種與協議不符的措施被采取以來造成的損失則既往不答,即使專家組或上訴機構授權報復,對于發展中國家來說顯然并不現實,因為由于一些經濟和政治方面的因素,發展中國家一般都不愿對發達國家實施報復。

Restorative criminal responsibility refers to one kind of crime responsibility idea and the pattern that takes repairing the harm and restoring the relations as the entity burden orientation in the crime domain of violating individual law profit . restorative criminal responsibility is opposite to the retaliatory or suppressive crime responsibility which takes exerting the harm and the pain as the burden orientation , it actually makes up , but does not depart from the contemporary mainstream criminal activity penalty theory ? ? “ intergrative theory “ 恢復性刑事責任是指在侵害個人法益犯罪領域以修復損害與復和關系為實體負擔取向的一種犯罪責任理念與模式,它與以施加損害與痛苦為負擔取向的報復性或壓制性犯罪責任相對立,實是對當代主流刑事懲罰理論? ? “一體論”的補足而非背離。

Third : it shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from cuba against any nation in the western hemisphere as an attack by the soviet union on the united states , requiring a full retaliatory response upon the soviet union 第三:我們國家的政策是從古巴發射,針對西半球任何國家的任何核彈都將被看作是蘇聯對美國的攻擊,會對蘇聯采取全面的報復。

In fact , comparing to the relative retaliatory or suppressive responsibility , restorative criminal responsibility has obviously and concrete superiority in pursuing the legal value of justice , order and forgiveness 且恢復性刑事責任對正義、秩序與寬容之法律價值的追求,相對報復性或壓制性責任而言具有具體而明顯的優勢。

Measures governing goods subject to retaliatory customs duties , country or region of application , tariff rate , period , and method of levy shall be determined and published by the state council tariffs commission 征收報復性關稅的貨物、適用國別、稅率、期限和征收辦法,由國務院關稅稅則委員會決定并公布。

At the same time , methods of retaliatory psychiatry are used against persons who are trying to stop the violence , and psychiatry is , of course , backed by law enforcement agencies 與此同時,報復精神病學的方法正被應用于那些正在努力嘗試去制止暴力的人們,當然,有執法機構在背后支持。

The retaliatory duties could total up to $ 52m , a tiny fraction of the total value of us imports to japan in 2004 , which was y6 , 763bn ( $ 60 . 3bn ) 這些報復關稅總額最高可達5200萬美元,與6 . 763兆日元(合603億美元)的2004年日本從美國進口總值相比是很小一部分。

Second , antidumping actions feed retaliatory responses , particularly when there are justified suspicions that investigators manipulated their calculations 其次,反傾銷活動會引發報復性反應,特別是在被懲罰國有理由懷疑調查結果不實的情況下。

Mass disturbances , attacks on the coalition forces and the disproportionate retaliatory use of force are assuming ever larger proportions and entail numerous casualties 它是世界上極圈內最大的城市。截止到2001年1月1日,該市人口為40萬人。

A feud between two families or clans that arises out of a slaying and is perpetuated by retaliatory acts of revenge ; a blood feud 族間血仇,血系間的復仇由殺戳引起的并通過以牙還牙的報復行為而持續不斷的兩個家族或宗族之間的世仇;血仇

Cnn ) - - the european commission has launched retaliatory trade measures against the united states that will cost american companies hundreds of millions 歐盟委員會對美國實施了報復性貿易標準,這將造成美國公司數十億美元的損失。

Brazil has said it could seek wto authorisation for up to $ 4bn in retaliatory sanctions if the us is again found to be at fault 巴西表示,如果再次發現美國違規,該國可能尋求世貿組織的授權,對美國進行至多40億美元的報復性制裁。

Beijing ' s commerce ministry hinted it might consider retaliatory action for the new us duties , or if it is subjected to additional penalties 中國商務部暗示,可能會考慮對美國新征收的反補貼稅采取報復行動,或者進行更多處罰。

China ' s disapproval was justified , since an ability to intercept ballistic missiles would deprive it of its nuclear retaliatory capability 中國的反對是正確的,因為建立導彈防御系統將使中國失去核報復能力。

The secretary of state cautioned that terrorism would be countered by retaliatory action 國務卿警告說,恐怖主義將要受到報復性還擊。

I think a retaliatory strike against the white city 我想給予白城致命反擊

I think a retaliatory strike against the white city . . 我想給予白城致命反擊