
retaliative adj.報復(性)的。


It is mainly a faith or ideology with which some actor ( an individual , a group or a nation ) , for the purpose of realizing some political , economic , cultural interests suppressed , driven by hatred and retaliative motivation , takes by specific and secret individual or small group unconventional extreme measures which are abrupt and unpredictable , and utilizes every means which is as harmful as possible to the opposite , and often violent enough to endanger the innocent or to massacre with malice aforethought the innocent and lead to huge social panic , to attack the opposite 它主要是指一定的行為體(個人、團體或國家)為使受到壓制的一定政治、經濟、文化等利益能夠實現,在仇恨和報復性動機的驅使下,通過特定的個人或小集團采用突然的、難以預料的非常規方式,利用一切可能危害對方的、常常是暴力殃及無辜或蓄意濫殺無辜等足以產生巨大社會恐慌效果的手段打擊對方的一種信仰或意識形態。

Whereupon , monsieur gabelle did heavily bar his door , and retire to hold counsel with himself the result of that conference was , that gabelle again withdrew himself to his house - top behind his stack of chimneys ; this time resolved , if his door was broken in he was a small southern man of retaliative temperament , to pitch himself head foremost over the parapet , and crush a man or two below 加伯爾先生只好把大門死死關閉,躲起來考慮辦法。考慮的結果是重新躲到那排煙囪背后的屋頂上去。這回他下定了決心,若是門被闖開,他便從雉堞頂上栽下去抓住一兩個人同歸于盡他是個南方人,個子雖小,復仇心卻很重。