
retaliation n.報復,反擊,倒算。


Conclusion : in the face of rumor , people are suggested keeping calm rather than taking the similar mean steps for retaliation . so eye for eye is unadvisable 總結:面對謠言,建議人們保持冷靜而不要采取類似低劣的手段做報復。以牙還牙是不合理的。

According to usd , unless all parts decide not to set up a panel , dsb should set up the panel as long as one asks for . 4 , compensation and retaliation 對wto爭端解決機制在實踐中遇到的主要問題作了概括性分析,提出了解決現存問題的措施和對策。

All reports will be treated in a confidential manner and it is the company ' s policy to not allow retaliation for reports made in good faith of misconduct by others 所有舉報調查都以保密的形式進行,以保護善意舉報人,杜絕報復事件的發生。

So too has america ' s pursuit of a missile - defence system that could destroy any surviving chinese missiles that are launched in retaliation 同時中國也在密切關注美國追求的導彈防御體系,該體系可以摧毀中國用于報復打擊的任何殘存導彈。

But lebanon ' s defense minister warned against rocket attacks on the israel that might draw retaliation and reignite the fighting 然而黎巴嫩國防部長發出警告,嚴禁向以色列發射火箭,因為此行徑可能會引起報復行為,重新引燃戰火。

It has the form legitimate , iseasy to implement , can effectively protect the home industry also notto be easy to incur the retaliation the characteristic 它具有形式合法、容易實施、能夠有效保護國內產業且不容易招致報復的特點。

That attempt may be working : despite unconfirmed reports that syria was calling up its reserves , no firm promise of military retaliation has come 此舉或勉能為之:雖敘國征召預備隊之報道未得證實,亦未聞敘軍正告有報復之諾。

The company has established a whistleblower policy and procedures which allows all the employees to make a report anonymously , without fear of retaliation 公司已設立舉報制度和程序,以鼓勵員工匿名舉報,不必擔心打擊報復。

Mr nel ' s arrest was seen by some as retaliation by mr selebi ' s force against the scorpions , since they had helped bring the charges against mr selebi 逮捕耐爾被看作是塞萊比力量對天蝎隊的報復,因為天蝎隊幫助起訴塞萊比。

I am not proud of the obviously staged , undignified countercharges which have been attempted in retaliation from the other side of the aisle 對走道的另一邊顯然是裝腔作勢、不莊重的,旨在報復的反訴,我無法感到自豪。

But lebanon ' s defense minister warned against rocket attacks on the israel that might draw retaliation and reignite the fighting 但黎國防部長警告不要用火箭襲擊以飛機,因為這樣可能會引起報復并再次點燃戰火。

But lebanon ' s defense minister warned against rocket attacks on the israel that might draw retaliation and reignite the fighting 但是黎巴嫩國防部告戒不要向以發射火箭彈那樣可能激起報復行為并導致戰火重燃。

Such retaliation arises from purely personal considerations , to the neglect of the interests of the class and of the party as a whole 這種報復主義,完全從個人觀點出發,不知有階級的利益和整個黨的利益。

But lebanon ' s defense minister warned against rocket attacks on the israel that might draw retaliation and reignite the fighting 但黎巴嫩國防部長警告想以色列發射火箭炮,那可能會再次點燃戰火。

- begging the question of why massive retaliation did not work as a national security strategy , 6 november 2001 以“為何集體報復不能當做有效的國家安全策略”為假設的狡辯, 2001年11月6日。

Retaliation : shield wall : recklessness cooldowns have been removed , now requires a nexus crystal to activate 反擊風暴,盾墻,鹵莽現在沒有冷卻時間,使用它們需要消耗一塊連結水晶。

Red dragon can fly up and attack nearby enemy with 1 , 5 times more powerful attack without receiving retaliation 紅龍會飛起來并攻擊目標附近的敵軍,造成1 . 5倍攻擊,并且不會被反擊。

Retaliation by captors to the detriment of that prisoner and other prisoners is frequently the primary reason of such harassment 敵方對戰俘的報復通常是導致這種騷擾的原因。

As a result , more european companies are being hit by the eu ' s own retaliation against unfair competition 結果,有越來越多的歐洲公司受損于歐盟自己的反不公平競爭報復措施。